Friday, September 23, 2011

After around 30 years, there will be billions of cars but no Oil, What would be the situation?

after 30 years Billions of cars with new designed models of cars, but if the oil is decreasing, and no oil after 30 years, will the car manufacturers change their business or shutdown or get bankrupt if no car buyer exist as no oil? What could be the Road runners of a common man after 30 years as compared to comman mans cars or bikes of today?(answer should exclude the trams or trains, to know who will rule the road after 30 years).|||There are already alternate forms of fuel to power cars. They are and have been working on alternative fuels for cars for a long time. Ethanol, which is made from raw corn, sugar, wheat(raw materials) is already being used now in some cars, although America does not have many pumps for the fuel, some cars can already use it. We also do not have many processing plants for ethanol right now but there is a large debate on whether or not the energy produced from ethanol is more or less than the amount of resources it uses to make a gallon of ethanol. I don%26#039;t think it is very profitable so a lot of companies wont try to develop ethanol fuel as of yet. If we had to, I%26#039;m sure it wouldn%26#039;t matter.

I think it is Brazil that is the leader right now among alternative fuels for cars and I want to say that at least 50% or more of the vehicles on the road in Brazil do not use gasoline. Also, sometime in the future, Hydrogen powered vehicles may come into play. These alternative fuels are being researched and developed every day, so that we do not find ourselves in that predicament.|||Some perdict that there will be enough energy at a cost much greater than $6.00/gallon.|||probabbly in vent cars that dont need oil.|||As soon as the oil profiteers stop making money on oil there will be plenty of alternatives.|||For years, auto makers have always experimented with the idea of solar energy, I think within next thirty years, it will be perfected.|||The rich folks will have enough cash to drive...for a while. Oil will be shorter supply but will still be available 30 yrs from now...expensive though. New technology will be able to deal with tar-sands and coal conversion. AND ethanol will displace alot of crude