Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How can i enjoy my travel to school?

whenever i think about trains or buses i take everyday to school, it irritates me, because i have to travel a long way, with enough stress every morning. when i get down to change transport, i get so irritated that i think to myself %26#039;%26#039;aaaahhhggrr..the same silly road again, i have to cross it, change a bus, walk again to school%26#039;%26#039;, in this weather.etc..etc..all makes me depressed and stressed by the time i reach school. how can i get rid of this? please don%26#039;t suggest something like %26#039;%26#039;try a new route, get a magazine, etc..%26#039;%26#039; Give me basic tips how to think positively about it. thats all i want. i want to see tips in terms of what exists,not what i CAN do, which wont happen right now anyway. tell me what i SHOULD do to improve current situation. im really fed up with travel. how must i make up my mind? because it%26#039;s inevitable..|||maybe find a friend to go along. the time passes much faster when you have a friend to go with..

or eithe rbring your mp3 player..|||think about what your going to do after school when you get home i.e a hobby, see mates etc etc|||Get yourself a book on CD and a portable CD player.|||When I get tired of my 45 mile trek to work on the highways here in Texas, I get on my motorcycle and ride it - I have several different routes - some with twisty roads, some without.

I don%26#039;t know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but I %26quot;destress%26quot; by riding!|||buy a iPod or a mp3 player that will fit 120 songs minimum|||Try watching the other people on your bus/train. Maybe make up stories about what is going on in their lives in your head.

Make conversation with fellow travelers.

Bring a mp3 player and listen to podcasts.|||well i dont think my answer will be good enough for you but what helps me is to listen 2 my mp3 player... just to make the time go by faster .|||cheat, get someone else to do it for you|||I always used to stare out the window trying to see if I can spot a supercar like a Lamborghini going by. Perhaps there are other special things you may stay on the lookout for?

What also helped me beat the boredom was to spend the time thinking about my extra mural acitivity for the day and the people I%26#039;m meeting.

If all this failed, I just let the hum and vibrations of the bus make me drowsy and nod off to a nice refreshing nap.|||Fininsh school and get admission in open university or get degree online from my university haha|||i know what you mean i have to get on the same train and bus every morning for work and the thought of leaving the house in the grey damp weather is depressing. People are irritating on p/transport and you feel trapped like an animal!I have an ipod which helps and sometimes just listen to the radio which helps me...i also have to adopt a positive attitude..and try not to focus too much on others around me just concentrate on some plans you could make for the weekend or something to look forward to.Daydreaming is good too. x|||How about a cassette player or DVD, listen to your most favourite music, it sooths the savage breast, it is said.

Or get Talking Books from local library, and listen to all those books you have promised yourself to read one day?

Learn a foreign language, ready for your next holiday abroad.

Some tapes of the power POSITIVE thinking - there is loads out there!

If all else fails, you really need to rethink your whole arrangements.

Good luck!
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