Our history is littered with violence because those with wanted to insure those without, stayed that way. Nothing more than disposable labor to make them rich. Safety issues were ignored for decades on end in all industries, the working person stayed disposable labor and nothing more while the wealthy got wealthier. Our society has advanced but mostly the same situation still exists.
The GOP is now up in arms about the passage of health care, it has become the latest hot button issue for republicans, they are going to do their best to repeal the law, they say.
Here's the question, what hot button issues has the powers that be in the GOP ever changed for their base?
Abortion is legal, nothing has changed.
Guns are still legal, no one has taken them away.
The fiscal responsibility they espouse, it's a myth.
Big bad government, when in control, they grow it.
Gays and lesbians, also losing on that front.
Gays in the military, it's only a matter of time until they too can proudly serve their country.
Tax cuts, great work there. Let's give the greedy more while we happily preach the trickle down theory to each other.
Does the GOP only exist to push peoples fear buttons for their own greedy benefit? Aren't Bush and Cheney perfect examples?
Hot button issues and the GOP?
Hot button issues and the GOP?
Yes, they exist to push peoples buttons in order to line their pockets with money from causing hysteria.
Our main hot button issue is that liberals are idiots and trying to ruin the country.
Yep, that's why we exist--to push people's fear buttons and for my own greedy benefit. That's why my insurance premiums are going up as was announced the day after Obama signed his healthcare bill. I wish I existed just for my own wealth but, in fact, I am one of the many in the middle class who are already getting screwed by this thing to save the poor underclass who expect to be taken care of by the government.
Thanks for the rant.
I agree. Now, use your powers of observation on the Demonrats and you will come to the only valid conclusion possible.
This is one of the big lies that people try to spread about capitalism. You know as much about the system that made this country strong as you do about the health care bill that you seem to favor.
i was born in 1948 and only twice in my lifetime has their been balanced budgets, both time with democratic presidents and a republican congress. democrats have been in control of congress from 1954-1994 and from 2006-present. never did the republicans have the majorities the democrats have currently. you need to have a better understanding of how govt. works. democrats blocked civil rights legislation, yet they are the all-inclusive party. democrats raised social security rates and taxes, how did that help the middle class? democrats passed entitlement programs and look where we are. social security and medicare trillions in the hole. did the republicans do a good job fiscally or controlling the size of govt. when they were in power? absolutely not, which is why they were voted out. however, the argument of one party, good, other party, bad is not and never has been a valid argument and is getting increasingly more tiring. we had a gas crisis in 1972, democrats were in power for another 22 yrs. where were all the brilliant ideas as to alternative energy and lessening our dependence on foreign oil during those yrs.? i'm an independent, and use a common sense and logical approach when it comes to politics. i don't see where either party deserves a pat on the back.
Not looking at history and only taking the current situation into account - yes.
I'd wager that if you asked anyone to fully explain this healthcare bill no one would be able to give you a concrete answer. The Democrats will only big-up the advantages and the Republicans will only shout about the disadvantages.
Truth is: no one knows for sure what the outcome will be.
But with the promise of better healthcare, isn't it worth AT LEAST giving it a chance?
Healthcare reform is not a party issue - it's a people's issue. Why isn't the government treating it that way?
Both parties are guilty of all sorts. The thing I can't stand is that both sides spend our tax money on finger-pointing rather than working together to make the ENTIRE society better.
However, having said all of that, I do believe that, at present, the GOP is using scare tactics and bordering on outright lying to the public about this bill. As an Independent I don't agree with that. Nor do I agree with how the Democrats have pushed it through.
Let's just hope that ALL of the representatives voted how their CONSTITUENTS wanted, not how their party wanted. We seem to forget that all of these guys are in there because they were elected.