Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are there any technologies, whether or not they exist now, that would have helped you in some situations?

A question for everyone. Are there any technologies that may be:

1. Currently being developed and not widespread yet.

2. Commonplace in the next 10-20 years that aren't far fetched ideas.

3. Something far fetched that would make your everyday life, or some specific situations, better.

4. Also, share things that you may know are being developed and will be commonplace in some years.

I lost my phone. Something that happens to a lot of us. And they don't seem to have the technology to locate where it is. 3 years ago, I called Cingular roadside assistance and they told me what city and state I was calling from before I even told them where I was. I verified that it was correct. I called AT%26amp;T today just to ask if it's possible that they could locate my phone. Well, I got a %26quot;no%26quot; for an answer. Also, I lost the keys to my car. It would be VERY helpful to have some kind of fingerprint technology that would eliminate the use of having keys. So, those are my recent situations. Now I have to get a locksmith to come out tomorrow to change the ignition and make me a new key.
Are there any technologies, whether or not they exist now, that would have helped you in some situations?
I've been waiting for thumbprint drives, you know, the little solid state one Gbyte thingies you can hang around your neck for $15. But this would incorporate some kind of RFID I could have imbeded under my skin.
Are there any technologies, whether or not they exist now, that would have helped you in some situations?
heard of ms dos
yes. one that stops time. i would SOOOOO benefit from that. but if that ever did exist we could never get anything done cause everyone would be stopping time
A teleporting ring so I can see my bf! And a necklace that makes shelters, houses, clothes. I'd never be poor and homeless! And always fashionable lol.