Friday, September 23, 2011

Afraid I had a m/c or was never even pregnant....?

I have asked about this before a few days ago but the situation/symptoms have changed. I%26#039;m really sad, and I am so sure many of you will be able to relate. My period was due the 21st (Friday) and I was positive it wouldn%26#039;t come. I%26#039;ve had 2 kids and although I am not TTC and my husband def is NOT, I have to admit after I felt pregnant and had all of the symptoms I did start to fall in love with my little seed. I had 2 very fain

t positive Hpt%26#039;s and then a few days later with another brand I

got a negative. So here comes the 21st when period is due

and I wake at 2am to find I%26#039;m bleeding when I wipe and it%26#039;s

bright red. Then when I go to flush nothing is there! Well, I had

some cramps later in the day but nothing serious and the

bleeding was changing color sometimes darker, sometimes

pinkish. I was wearing a pad at this point and it was showing

on the pad but nothing like a period at all. Then I find a tiny

clot or two, not even pea sized. So here comes the panic. I

called the Dr and they%26#039;re doing a blood test Monday and told

me to call and cnxl my blood test if the bleeding becomes a

period. Well, the bleeding lasted for ONE day and is now just light pink when I wipe sometimes (sometimes nothing) and no blood in the toilet. I know the whole %26#039;wait until Monday%26#039;....but you all know how gut wrenching it is to sit and wonder if your baby is gone or ever even existed! I gained 10lbs...none of my pants fit...i pee every 5 mins almost, nauseous, so bloated that people ask me how far along I am, craving sweets and I do NOT eat sweets...its all so bizarre. With my 1st son I bled so much they told me that I miscarried and then I found out 2 weeks later I was 6 weeks pregnant and he is now almost 4. My second son I had bleeding like this but can%26#039;t remember the color or any of that! He is now 2 and a half. So...I am thinking that I obviously do not produce enough HCG to detect at 4 weeks since it wasn%26#039;t detected either time until around 6 weeks but I don%26#039;t see why I had those faint positives last week! I calculated and I would be 4 weeks today. I guess I just wanted to hear some good stories! Especially any clot experiences.....ugh ladies isn%26#039;t this hard!!!!! Baby dust to all. Xo|||To me it sounds like your period and you were probably not pregnant. 10 pounds is way to much to gain this early on, unless your a few months pregnant and just didnt know.. but if you were a few months pregnant you would be testing strong positives on a HPT by now. Most people dont gain more then a pound in their first 4-5 weeks and usually like 3-5 pounds in their second and thats just due to excess water weight forming around the baby. I would say you were probably never pregnant and are just getting yor period, if you think you are and talk yourself in to thinking you are you will make your body produce typical pregnancy symptoms. I do it almost every month, every month I think im pregnant as we are TTC but every month im not. Its a typical lady thing to do! lol however this might be an indication you want to TTC your third? if you aren%26#039;t freaking out and are happy at the possiblity you could be, you might want to add another addition but are worried about your husbands thoughts? I hope you get the answers you want from your blood test :) good luck, and congrats if you are!!! :)|||we have to study your case thoroghly please tell in more detail,meanwhile let the report of the doctor will give some clue|||its very hard n frustratin i know..

it sounds to me as tho it is jus spotting.. ( if u r pregnant)

i rekon its nuffin to worry about.. alot of women get this n its very common...