Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can someone pretty please explain this in simpler words:?

%26quot;existing constitutions were formed in the midst of a danger which repressed the passions most unfriendly to order and concord; of an enthusiastic confidence of the people in their patriotic leaders, which stifled the ordinary diversity of opinions on great national questions; of a universal ardor for new and opposite forms, produced by a universal resentment and indignation against the ancient government; and whilst no spirit of party connected with the changes to be made, or the abuses to be reformed, could mingle its leaven in the operation. The future situations in which we must expect to be usually placed, do not present any equivalent security against the danger which is apprehended.%26quot;
Can someone pretty please explain this in simpler words:?
The constitution was formed by a group of people that had all different views of things but had in common the desire to better the things that were seen as unjust to all. We currently must solve our problems not by our preference to politic party's or by the standard we are used to but by the opinion we have on our own to reach that common thought we like our ancestors have.
Can someone pretty please explain this in simpler words:?
This is really a unnecessarily convoluted and wordy text! But from the The Federalist Papers it's understandable. I'll do my best :

%26quot;The constitutions we have now were formed in the midst of a danger which diminished the passions that could have endangered order and harmony. The constitutions we have now were formed of an enthusiastic confidence of the people in their patriotic leaders, which diminished the ordinary diversity of opinions on great national questions. The constitutions we have now were formed as the result of a universal enthusiasm for new and opposite forms, produced by a universal resentment and indignation against the ancient government. And all this while no partisan spirit connected with the changes to be made, or the abuses to be reformed, could interfere in the operation. The future situations in which we must expect to be usually placed, do not present the same security against the danger which is (seized? understood?).%26quot;
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