Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Science Help ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The diagrams are on this website it on the top there in order too? ?

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture%26amp;friendID=413118159%26amp;albumId=0 15. Prokaryotic cells are different from eukaryotic cells. What characteristic would identify an individual as being prokaryotic?

A. The presence of a cell membrane

B. The presence of a mitochondrion

C. The absence of a nuclear membrane

D. The absence of chlorophyll

16. Cells are composed of many different molecules to carry out a variety of functions within a cell. Which major elements are contained in these molecules?

A. Aluminum, iron, sodium and phosphorous

B. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

C. Helium, fluorine, argon and neon

D. Potassium, silicon, lead and zinc

17. Use the information below to answer the question. An area populated with mature hickories and oaks are going to be cleared to provide room to plant pine trees. Which species of bird will be most negatively affected?

A. Cardinal

B. Field sparrow

C. Summer Tanager

D. Hooded Warbler

18. Which correctly matches an organelle with its function?

A. Golgi 聳 respiration

B. Chloroplast 聳 digestion

C. Cilia 聳 locomotion

D. Mitochondria - transport

19. Use the diagram below to answer the question. The diagram represents a plant cell going through the process of osmosis. The solution outside of the plant cell was initially 95% solvent and 5% solute (A). The environment in the beaker was changed (B) and as a result, the appearance of the plant cell changed. Which situation below likely summarizes what happened to the plant cell?

A. The plant cell was placed into a solution that was 95% water and 5% solute

B. The plant cell was placed into a solution that was 98% water and 2% solute

C. The plant cell was placed into a solution that was 100% water and 0% solute

D. The plant cell was placed into a solution that was 90% water and 10% solute

20. Down Syndrome is a disorder that includes a combination of birth defects. Some of these include varying degrees of mental retardation, characteristic facial features and, often, heart defects. An extra chromosome in an individual聮s genetic makeup generally causes Down Syndrome. What genetic abnormality likely causes an individual to have Down syndrome?

A. A virus

B. The deletion of a portion of a gene

C. Failure of DNA to replicate properly before meiosis

D. Failure of chromosomes to segregate properly during meiosis

21. Which statement does not accurately describe a cell?

A. The cell is the basic unit of life

B. Cells come from pre-existing cells

C. All cells have a membrane bound nucleus

D. All living things are composed of at least one cell

22. The species of frog known as Rana vigritipes has which of the following characteristics?

A. Two prominent ridges and four stripes

B. Two prominent ridges and splotchy coloring

C. No ridges on back and blotches on back

D. No ridges on back and four stripes

23. Which statement does the diagram support?

A. The products of photosynthesis provides no energy for cellular respiration

B. The mitochondrion uses the energy from the sun to break down carbohydrates

C. Carbohydrates are broken down and ATP is produced in the mitochondrion

D. Carbohydrates provide the main source of energy for photosynthesis

24. A scientist views an unidentified unicellular organism under a microscope. As the organism is being viewed, it is traveling from one side of the slide to another and is lacking a membrane-bound nucleus. Based on these observations, the cell on the slide is likely a(n)

A. Animal cell with cilia

B. Plant cell with chloroplast

C. Animal cell with mitochondria

D. Bacteria cell that has a flagellum

25. Use the diagram below to answer the question. Based on the cell theory, which statement supports that this organism is considered to be living?

A. The organism cannot obtain food

B. The organism is made of one or more functioning cells

C. The organism dwells on land

D. The organism causes harm to other living organisms

|||This has nothing to do with Earth science or geology. Ask this in the Biology section.
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