Thursday, September 15, 2011

How can Al Gore be such a genius and yet so backward on the whole global-warming situation.?

Global-warming exists. Great. But is human release of CO2 to blame? NO ONE knows! Not Al Gore, not anyone. To say that humans are changing the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere we must first know how much is there, and we DO NOT. I also don't believe that we have the authority (nor should we be so arrogant) to think that right now is the most ideal climate that has ever graced this planet, and that we humans are so %26quot;all-knowing%26quot; that we should be able to decide at what temperature and at what point to %26quot;lock%26quot; the earths climate. Wake up world-Forget about American Idol and all that popular media pumps up your behind and start paying attention to things that REALLY MATTER.
How can Al Gore be such a genius and yet so backward on the whole global-warming situation.?…
How can Al Gore be such a genius and yet so backward on the whole global-warming situation.?
1) Climate models show that humans are very likely the primary cause of the current global warming.

2) We do know the atmospheric concentration of CO2, and have measured it for nearly 50 years, as you can see in this plot:…

You can also compare that CO2 increase to the global temperature increase since 1960 in this plot:…

3) Nobody is saying this is the %26quot;most ideal climate that has ever graced this planet%26quot;. The correct statement is that humans should not wildly alter the global climate, particularly since we can predict the results if it does vary wildly, and they're not pretty.

4) The popular media presents global warming as much more disputed than it actually is among experts.

5) Why are you picking on Al Gore? He's just presenting the results of the scientific community.
Start paying attention to things that really matter?

What happens when we've destroyed our planet? What matters more than that? A non-habitable planet = Death.
The level of CO2 in the air is easy to measure and is well known. But to get a reliable reading, you need to take the measurements in remote areas, far from factories and other industrial sources of CO2. The best readings come from the top of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and from Antarctic ice cores.………

These data are quite consistent with each other, and show that the level of CO2 is rising, and has been rising since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Further, we can also tell from isotopic analysis that the excess CO2 in the air is caused by the burning of fossil fuels. When you look at the isotopes of carbon and oxygen in atmospheric CO2, you see a lot of old carbon cobmined with young oxygen. In pre-industrial samples, you don't see that.…

I agree that we should not be so arrogant as to decide what the earth's temperature should be, nor should we try to lock the earth's temperature into any single number. We should let nature decide. That being the case, we should not be forcing the earth's temperature higher. Right?
Al Gore is no genius. He's a pretty good con man, though.
Well, first off I am not surprised by the guy that claims to have invented the internet. Big Al just needed a reason to get back into the lime light. No one was talking about Global-Warming, so he jumped on it. He doesn't care about GW, he cares about image. Picking his nose is the closest he will ever come to being green.
I've been told, you can be purdy smart in sum areas, and knot so bright in others
Forget Al Gore. Scientists have proved global warming.

Because of two closely related things. The peer reviewed scientific data shows clearly that it's real. And AS A RESULT there is a massive scientific consensus. This will be a little long, because it contains substantiation, not wild assertions, and doesn't throw crazy numbers around without references.

%26quot;I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space Command

Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the scientific community, short and long.…

The real proof is in the references in these documents. It is necessary to go to a library and read them. Scientists do that routinely.

And, as a result, there is a massive scientific consensus. Every major scientific organization agrees.…

Virtually all climatologists agree:…

Here's what scientists say about the consensus:

%26quot;Regardless of these spats, the fact that the community overwhelmingly supports the consensus is evidenced by picking up any copy of Journal of Climate or similar, any scientific program at the AGU or EGU meetings, or simply going to talk to scientists (not the famous ones, the ones at your local university or federal lab). I challenge you, if you think there is some un-reported division, show me the hundreds of abstracts at the Fall meeting (the biggest confernce in the US on this topic) that support your view - you won't be able to. You can argue whether the consensus is correct, or what it really implies, but you can't credibly argue it doesn't exist.%26quot;

Dr. James Baker - NOAA

%26quot;There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics. Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point,You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away.%26quot;

Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

All this is why smart people in all walks of life who are not liberals or environmentalists have accepted global warming as real. Just a few examples:

%26quot;Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives Tuesday to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming%26quot;

%26quot;I agree with you (Gore) that the debate over climate change is over.%26quot;

Rep. Dennis Hastert, Republican, Illinois

Hastert wouldn't agree with Gore about where to go for lunch, but he agrees about this.

%26quot;Global warming is real, now, and it must be addressed.%26quot;

Lee Scott, CEO, Wal-Mart

When Scott says this, he annoys his major supplier, China.

The real question is why have deniers fallen for a few skeptics, whose arguments are refuted by the data.

Good websites for more info:

%26quot;climate science from climate scientists%26quot;
Al Gore never claimed to be all knowing on the topic of global warming he is just the voice used to present complicated scientific data to the masses. You are correct in that we should not get our opinions and ideas from television and political rhetoric... it should come from the experts. You are incorrect in assuming we don't know how much CO2 it is quite easy to determine and we have vast historical data on the topic. So... you say we should pay attention to what really matters and I agree, we should worry about the number of days when air quality advisories are in effect, we should be concerned that we are polluting the air supply with carcinogens, we should be concerned with the increased incidence of asthma and allergies, we should care that we have finite fuel supply and we should be concerned about what we are leaving the future generations.
Al Gore never claimed to have invented the internet. What he said was that he (along with other people) supported legislation back in the early 90's that would unify all the different %26quot;internets%26quot; into one. This is one of the most common misconceptions about Gore.
rent the move it 92 mins long he can get good on the envirment but sucks as some one in president may be he sould had been on the green stead od what party he was on.
If we as humans would stop sucking up energy like crazy Global Warming wouldn't be happening.

Power plants that pollute the air, cars, cause smog, ships that carry cargo across the sea, pollute the ocean with toxic waste. The ocean natural color would be aqua not dark whatever color. Do research it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
OK, seriously, have you even seen An Inconvenient Truth?? Because it shows how much CO2 is in the atmosphere etc etc. As for %26quot;arrogance%26quot;, how abou the fact that if we don't start exercising some %26quot;authority%26quot; we are all going to be under water. Are you also one of those people who think that vaccines are messing with god's plan? if so, please fast-forward about 900 years and join the rest of us in the 21st century.…
Al actually missed his calling. He should be a preacher and stand on street corners and scream about global warming to the masses.
You better write next time what really matters for you.

The prophet of bad news isnt popular. Al Gore knew this. Al gore didnt invent global warming but mad a good programm about it. Highly influencial. You even know it. Even the government of the USA is now prepared to do something.
It doesn't matter WHAT the source of GW is. the important thing is that it IS occuring and we HAVE to make plans to address it. It's NOT about finding someone to BLAME for GW, it's about HOW to DEAL with it. It IS occurring, It DOESN'T mena the end of civilization as we know it. It DOES mean increased famine, rising oceans levels, changing weather patterns around the planet, possible SLOW evacuations of low-lying coastal areas, desertification in SOME regions and changes in growing regions around the world.

It's NOT a republican versus a democrat thing, not a conservative vs liberal thing, not a Christian vs non-Christian thing, NOT a rich vs poor thing, NOT a us vs them thing. It's going to effect EVERYONE, regardless of your political, socio-economic background, religious affiliation, race, or anything else. We as a species have figured out a way to actually CHANGE the climatic events of our world. We have done so unwittingly, not knowing what we were doing until the changes had become to be noticeable. The solution is to SET aside our differences and come up with a solution, with a protocol to address the changes that are unavoidable (because there ARE changes that are too late to stop), with a program to help those who will be MOST effected by climate change, with ALL sorts of problems that haven't even been determine as of yet.

There IS no %26quot;magic bullet%26quot; out there. There is ONLY a SET of actions that can be taken and as a whole, this SET of actions will NOT be cheap, easy to implement, NOR easy on US a members of the Global community. THIS is going to be the GREATEST test of humanity EVER. Can WE as a species come to realize that humans are NOT %26quot;masters%26quot; of the Earth, we are ONLY a part of it. For TOO long we have considered that the EART would supply our needs, based on our whims, for an idefinite amount of time. It's only recently that we have come to realize that the planet is NOT an inexhaustable warehouse of endless resources. We'[re running out of oil, coal, minerals, potable water, arable farmland and many other resources not even considered. WE have ALL been wasteful, careless, and greedy in our exploitation of our planet and it's TIME to reconsider what and HOW we've been doing what we have in the past and come up with NEW strategies to conduct our daily affairs.

We NEED to come togehter, get IN our leaders faces and get them to STOP listening to the selfish, profit minded, advisors who they ARE listening to right now and GET them to take measures that are good for the WHOLE of humanity and NOT just for the good of their friends and financial supporters. ALSO we as individuals HAVE to change HOW we live our everyday lives. WE have to consume with sustainability in our minds. WE have to make environmentally friendly decisions in our everyday lives. WE have to change our OWN mindsets to REALIZING that we are NOT the Masters of the planet, we are ONLY %26quot;passengers%26quot; on this planet and that we have to clean up our act or EVERYONE is going to suffer. Blaming Al Gore for being an idiot, blaming big business for not dong the right thing, blaming republicans, democrats, liberals, christians, the Arabs, the commies or anyone else is NOT going to solve the problem. ONLY coming up with a GOOD plan is the problem and fighting amongst ourselves is NOT going to solve a damn thing. Yes, the media is HYPING the situation up, the media is NOT giving us the WHOLE story, Our leaders are NOT giving us the WHOLE story. BUT our scientists ARE trying to give us SOME insights, no, they don't KNOW everything. No one CAN. BUT, at least THEY do not have a selfish agenda to serve, they only do their studys, produce the data and come up with ideas of why and how this is happening.

To those of you who are in denial about GW, STOP listening to the redneck blowhard in the bar spouting off his hatred against the system. Start listening to the DATA, start listening to the people who are proposing solutions, start READING for yourselves the IMPORTANT things that are going on in the world and STOP worrying about who the NEXT American idol is going to be, or what Brittany is wearing, or what the Hilton sisters are up to. That's NOT important. What IS important is worldwide events, wars, famines, injustices to whole populations, persecutions in the name of some God that is just watching what we do and not directly getting involved in our petty squabbles. We HAVE to not only READ but we ALSO have to ACT. WE can put pressure on our leaders and we can ACT on our own and do our little bit to halep things out. ONE little act may not seem like much BUT%26lt; there are about 5 BILLION of us and if EVERYONE does a small act to help out, it all adds up to a MAJOR impact.

Raji the Green Witch
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