Friday, September 23, 2011

Affectionate term in Spanish for Stepmother?

My kids, 8 and 11, are generally not permitted to address adults by their first names even if the adult requests it (call me old fashioned).

I remarried a couple years ago after a divorce. My wife is Mexican (actually dual nationallity). We speak both Spanish and English in the home and definitely maintain both cultures. Her kids (from her prior marriage are grown but to us they are Mija and Mijo). My kids are much younger, refer to their natural mother as Mom and we have no intention of having that change. Since we started dating, to my kids my wife was %26quot;Miss Nita%26quot;. But over the years Miss Nita sounds more and more wierd.

For my son, the otherwise perfectly acceptalbe term mamacita, or little mother, is uncomfortable. What other Spanish terms are their for something like little mother or step-mom (my wife hates madrastra)? My wife is at a loss because ours is the only blended families in her background.

I might add that both kids adore my wife because she has an utterly unflappable and kind demeanor. They began calling her %26quot;Not Mom%26quot; because because their natural mother is very volitile and has a bad temper. I immediately stopped that because I they were using it in a way that I thought was disrespectful to their natural mother. So we are all looking for a diminutive for stepmom that preserves the Mexican culture and does not in any way denigrate or diminish the role of their natural mother. Keep in mind, however, that them using her first name will not be acceptable until they are quite a bit older.

The point is, all of us, kids included are looking for something affectionate so the evil stepmom concept doesn%26#039;t exist in our situation. All other good faith suggestions are welcome.|||You should let them call her by her first name. It%26#039;s not disrespectful.
  • data into xsds
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  • Why not force society to legalize all types of relationship?

    For example bigamy, polygamy, incest, consensual sex between a 28 year old man and 14 year old girl, etc.... since gays want to force society to recognize their union to be called marriage.

    I am of course not for legalizing incest, bigamy, etc. but I am just asking because I am proving the point that there are boundaries that should exist for every situation.

    Yes this is a stupid question, but the comparison of gay marriage to Brown vs. Board of education and the hundreds of years of excruciating oppression of African Americans even to this day, is just as stupid. There use to be actual laws making it ok to dehumanize African Americans and defining them as property, just because they were Black. Jim Crow laws made it so that a person of color was limited in every way including voting, just because of the color of their skin. Interracial marriage was outlawed because people didn%26#039;t want blacks to %26quot;mix and contaminate%26quot; white blood.

    African Americans can not hide the color of their skin. And when African Americans were mixed to looking almost white, they were forced with the choice of %26quot;passing%26quot; in order for society to give them a fair chance based on the merit of their work, thoughts, etc. Gays have never been forced to sit in the back of the bus or even give up their seat just because they were gay. Gay were not being killed just because they so much as even whistled at a person of the opposite race. Gays were never forced into slavery. I can go on with endless example that can cast a very broad difference between gays plight vs African Americans. In essence, gays are able to function in society just like anyone else. Gay is a behavior not a physical attribute. Physical attributes can not be hidden or changed just because one feels like being black or not. So it is NOT the same!

    I am in no way belittling the suffering gays have gone through because of hate crimes. Those acts are not right in any way! I just said this question to prove a point. The point of how rules are establish to govern our behaviors. People have many WANTS, but doesn%26#039;t mean that our wants make it right to do whatever we want to. I don%26#039;t hate gays because then I would be hating my own father, uncle, some of my aunts, friends, and great coworkers. I am just voicing my disagreement with various points that I have heard and read.|||all of what you have said is true. Many gay people will argue that being gay is not a choice when it is. Okay you have this attraction for the same sex but no one makes you act on them, you choose to. So what I am saying is just because you choose to do something dont force it on me. I have plenty of gay family and friends but I do not approve of what they do but I still love them. People can argue that since their great grandparents, grandparents, and parents smoked, that they did not chose to. That still doesnt mean that I will just accept you blowing smoke in my face while I am pregnant. So okay have you relationship but dont try to force your lifestyle on me...|||I%26#039;m sick of this argument.

    Some of the relationship types you cited ARE NOT CONSENSUAL.

    An underage person can not give mature consent because they have not reached the age at which it is deemed by the majority to be old enough to make an informed decision.

    And anyone who wants to bring up bestiality, same argument. Animals cannot give consent, therefore it is an invalid point.

    And polygamy? Well why not? The mormons seem to be very fond of that idea, and they supported Prop about your double standards|||What can one say? We are living in an evil age. The end of world is not too far from us.|||I think the line that needs to be enforced is MINOR CHILDREN have no business being sexualized by adults.

    I feel whatever consenting adults want to do should not be legislated except public sexual display. That%26#039;s not appropriate by any sexual persuasion. The thing about public display is that it is not consentual and that%26#039;s my only issue with it. If people are consenting i really have no place protesting it - if i don%26#039;t like something i don%26#039;t worry about it nor think I have the right to change people.

    No one can come up with any proof gay unions harm people in any way. So I think people need to back off that.

    How can I help my boyfriend ?

    My boyfriend, a nice guy, we get along pretty well most of the time. The relationship has a few problems as most do. There is a ten year age difference I鈥檓 28 and he is 18. I really don鈥檛 think that should be important. I am never been married nor have any children, he does not either. The way I usually tend to think of it is that despite the age difference we are sort in the same stage of life, just getting starting, though I obviously have more practical experience. He is a really intelligent guy, very interested in history and things like that. He has a problem that I just can鈥檛 quite pin down. I can鈥檛 tell if it鈥檚 a matter of his age or his upbringing. He was raised by his father鈥檚 parents. His mom was sixteen when he was born, his father was in his thirties and both were addicted to drugs. He has always known his parents but they were never his care takers. He was the youngest child that his grandparents raised; they were also raising two other grandchildren, their daughter鈥檚 children. Growing up it does not seem that he was allowed to make any decisions on his own; he was not asked he wanted to do but told what he was going to do. He was never taught any life skills such as cooking or washing clothes. He cannot eventie his own shoes. Also he does not drive. We have just moved into an apartment and I happened to call from work to make sure that everything was going ok; he said that the cat threw up and he did not know what to do about. I told him step by step how to clean up cat puke. What concerns me it that he seems to be completely lacking in self motivation and initiative. I remember being that age and there was a lot I did not know but little that I would not try. Whatever exists in people that causes them to see a problem and then use trial and error coupled with their own ingenuity to solve the problem seems to completely lacking from him. This worries and confounds me. I guess I really want to know the cause, was he raised with so little sense of control that he will not try to effect change over any situation or is he do lacking in self confidence that he does not think anything he can do will matter? Also he is not special or developmentally delayed in anyway, he just graduated from High School.|||You should get him a troll doll to keep him company.

    Added 3/4/2010

    After reading your additional details I need to add one thing:

    %26quot;Can I substitute a salad for the fries in the #5?%26quot;|||You are 18 and have more practical experience than him? He needs to take a home economics class for starters.

    He just graduated from high school at 28 or he only has a high school diploma?

    I think you are exaggerating about the shoe tying, he had to have taken PE.

    He has to be able to clean up otherwise what girl would date him? This has to be baloney.|||Just give him his space. He sounds like a real go getter.|||I like the first 2 answers. Thumbs up!|||He may also be part lazy. Plus, with your being older, if he, in any way, sees you as a mother figure, then he%26#039;ll behave like he did around the woman raising him. That is, she made all the decisions and told him what to do. He expects the same from you.|||Good grief, do you want a boyfriend or a son?

    He can%26#039;t drive, doesn%26#039;t know how to clean up cat puke.

    Age difference has little to do with it, there are some 30 year old men who are still babies because their moma did everything for them.

    No self motivation, no intitiative. RED FLAGS, honey. If he%26#039;s willing to change, maybe some professional counseling would help.

    Otherwise - you deserve better.|||a whole lot of people are going to insult you for this post. ok, he%26#039;s got some issues. you go into great detail to describe the things he does and doesn%26#039;t do. you want some honesty, here it is. the thing you can%26#039;t put your finger on about what is wrong with him, is precisely what you have been writing about. you are very attracted to men who need nurturing. there is something inside you that wants to take care of him. this is not normal behavior. you are mothering him. before you get concerned, you need to realize that as abnormal as both of you are, you both have found the complement of each other. look, its not normal in the eyes of this world. however, if both of you are happy, that should be ok. just remember that the day he no longer needs the nurturing that you provide, he will leave you because he no longer needs you. right now, both of you need each other.|||Thousands of schools graduate %26quot;delayed%26quot; students.

    If his parents were into drugs, it may of did something to his own mind.

    I have a son like this. He%26#039;s totally LOST if he doesn%26#039;t have a girlfriend to do everything for him. His father was the same way. His grandparents didn%26#039;t make their boys do anything. The grandma did it all.

    On your days off make a list of things to teach him.|||You shouldn%26#039;t have to raise your own boyfriend. You might try getting someone who is a little more mature. If you want kids, what kind of father would he be? I know you love him but you need to move on.|||High schools pass %26quot;special%26quot; people all of the time. he is deffinitely special. he can;t even clean up cat puke??! there%26#039;s something wrong there. i guess you%26#039;re just going to have to play %26quot;mommy%26quot; for the rest of his life.|||%26quot;Also he is not special or developmentally delayed in anyway%26quot;....except you just outlined how he is developmentally delayed in many ways. If you are %26quot; in the same stage of life%26quot; with a developmentally delayed 18 year old, you should rethink this pairing unless you really want a son to raise.|||Your boyfriend doesn%26#039;t need a girlfriend, he needs a mother. If you are comfortable with that situation than that%26#039;s your choice. You will probably be his mother for the rest of your life. Good luck.|||It sounds to me like if your his mommy ,What are you doing with a kid sooo young what can you have in common don%26#039;t you want a man who will take care of you not the other way around .|||Whatever you do, do not let the government find him.|||You%26#039;re questioning why an 18 year old does not seem to show initiative or self motivation? He is 18. That is how most 18 year olds act. So basically you%26#039;re questioning why is an 18 year old being an 18 year old?

    Just because you wer emore motivated at 18 does not mean he should be. It has nothing to do with the way he was raised.. If he has never had a cat.. why would he know how to clean up cat puke? Common Sense on your part might help!

    Protection of a Business Idea in India?

    I have a Business Idea which I want to propose to some companies doing similar business. As I want this to be an extension of the existing business, it is imperative that I need a partnership instead of starting the whole thing from scratch.

    The problem as is obvious is that, the moment I give a presentation to any of the companies, the companies might not be interested in the person who gives the ideas, as they could implement it on their own with may be a few changes.The case would be pretty much the same if one goes ahead and shows this to a venture capitalist.

    I have seen that the Indian Laws do not support patenting of any business idea or model (they say so pretty explicitly).

    How is anyone supposed to go ahead and make any proposal in such a situation? Can anyone help me out here?

    Thanks in advance|||I think u should go on ur own. Don%26#039;t discuss it with any companies.

    *For EVERYONE: "What is the differnece between unconditonally loving people & being selfishly attached to them

    A Buddhist Perspective on Unconditional Love vs. Selfish Attachments.

    Source: Thubten Chodron.

    What in the world is the difference between loving a person and being attached to them?

    Love is the sincere wish for others to be happy, and to be free from suffering.

    Having realistically recognized others%26#039; kindness as well as their faults, love is always focused on the other person鈥檚 welfare. We have No ulterior motives to fulfill our self-interest, or to fulfill our desires; to love others simply because they exist.

    Attachment, on the other hand, exaggerates others%26#039; good qualities and makes us crave to be with them. When we%26#039;re with them, we%26#039;re happy, but when we%26#039;re separated from them, we are often miserable. Attachment is linked with expectations of what others should be or do.

    Is love as it is usually understood in our society

    really love? or attachment ? or even possibly for some, only selfish lust.

    Let us examine this a bit more. Generally we are attracted to people either because they have qualities we value or because they help us in some way. If we observe our own thought processes mindfully, and carefully - we%26#039;ll notice that we look for specific qualities in others.

    Some of these qualities we find attractive, others are those our parents, or society value.

    We examine someone%26#039;s looks, body, education,

    financial situation, social status. This is how most of us decide on whether or not the person holds any true value to us.

    In addition, we judge people as worthwhile according to how they relate to us. If they help us, praise us, make us feel secure, listen to what we have to say, care for us when we are sick or depressed, we consider them good people, and it is this type of people we are most likely to be more attracted to.

    But this is very biased, for we judge them only in terms of how they relate to %26quot;us%26quot;, as if we are the most important person in the world.

    After we%26#039;ve judged certain people to be good for us, whenever we see them it appears to us as if goodness is coming from them, but if we are more aware, we recognize that we have projected this goodness onto them.

    Desiring to be with the people a lot who make us feel good, we become emotional yo-yo%26#039;s -

    when we%26#039;re with these people, we%26#039;re Up, when we%26#039;re not with these people, we%26#039;re Down.

    Furthermore, we form fixed concepts of what our relationships with those people will be and thus have expectations of them. When they do not live up to our expectations of them, we%26#039;re very disappointed, or may become angry !

    We want them to change so that they will they will match what we think they are. But our projections and expectations come from our own minds, not from the other people.

    Our problems arise not because others aren%26#039;t

    who we thought they we%26#039;re, but because we mistakenly thought they were something they


    Checklist: %26quot;I Love You if __________ %26quot;

    What we call love is most often attachment.

    It is actually a disturbing attitude that overestimates the qualities of another person.

    We then cling to tightly to that person, thinking our happiness depends on that person.

    %26quot;Love, on the other hand, is an open and very calm, relaxed attitude. We want someone to be happy, and free from suffering simply because they exist. While attachment is uncontrolled and much too sentimental, Love is direct and powerful. Attachment obscures our judgment and we become impatient, angry, and impartial, helping only our dear ones and harming those who we don%26#039;t like. Love builds up others, and clarifies our minds, and we

    access a situation by thinking of the greatest good for everyone. Attachment is based on

    selfishness, while Love is founded upon cherishing others, even those who do not look very appealing to the eyes. Love looks beyond

    all the superficial appearances, and dwells on the fact that they are just like us: they want inner peace, happiness, and want to avoid suffering. If we see unattractive, dirty, ignorant people, we feel repulsed because our selfish minds want to know attractive, intellectual, clean, and talented people. Love, on the other hand, never evaluates others by these superficial standards and looks much deeper into the person. Love recognizes that regardless of the others%26#039; appearances, their experience is the same as ours: they seek inner peace, to be happy, to be free from sufferings, and to do their best to avoid problems.

    When we%26#039;re attached, we%26#039;re not mentally and emotionally free. We overly depend on and cling to another person to fulfill our mental and especially our emotional needs. We fear losing the person, feeling we%26#039;d be incomplete without him.

    This does not mean that we should suppress our emotional needs or become aloof, alone and totally independent, for that too does not solve the problem. We must simply realize our unrealistic needs, and slowly seek to eliminate them. Some emotional needs may be so strong that they can%26#039;t be dissolved immediately.

    If we try to suppress them or pretend they do not exist, we become anxious, insecure, falling into a depression. In this case, we can do our best to fulfill our needs while simultaneously working gradually to subdue them.

    %26quot;The core problem is we seek to be loved, rather than to love. We yearn to be understood by others rather than to understand them. In all honesty, our sense of emotional insecurities comes from the selfishness obscuring our own

    minds. %26#039;We can develop self-confidence by recognizing our inner potential to become a selfless human being with many, magnificent qualities, then we%26#039;ll develop a true and accurate feeling of self-confidence. And

    then we%26#039;ll seek to increase true love, without attachments, to increase compassion, to cultivate patience and understanding, as well as generosity, concentration and wisdom.%26#039;

    %26#039;Under the influence of attachment we%26#039;re bound by our emotional reactions to others. When they are nice to us, we%26#039;re happy. When they ignore us, or speak sharply to us, we take it personally and are unhappy. But pacifying attachment doesn%26#039;t mean we become hard-hearted. Rather, without attachment there will be space in our hearts and minds for genuine Affection and Impartial Love for them.

    We%26#039;ll be actively involved with them.

    If we learn to subdue our attachments, we can most definitely have successful friendships and personal relationships with others. These relationships will be richer because of the freedom and respect - the relationships will be based on. We%26#039;ll care about the happiness and the misery of all human beings equally, simply because everyone is the same in wanting and needing inner peace, happiness, and not wanting to suffer. However, our lifestyles and interests may be more compatible with those of some people more so than with others and that is alright. In any case, our relationships will be based on mutual Love, mutual interests, and the wish to help each other in life.|||My friend,

    A beautiful question and an even more gracious comment. It is greatly appreciated. I will have to reread and reread to savor All you have imparted. I am humbled by your desire to heal and show compassion to others. For simplicity sake, I look to the teaching of Jesus%26#039; followers. In 1Corinthians I find what Love is:

    %26quot;Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.%26quot;

    The selfish, egocentric person is the total opposite.


    Peace and Love|||That was awesome and very enlightening, thanks for sharing!

    Report Abuse

    |||Huh always knew about unconditional love and attachment but never compared them like that, THANKS!

    Report Abuse

    |||One leads to recipricol love, the other lands you in jail.|||Unconditional love has no strings attached .Selfishly attached means you have a motive|||A NUN, who searched for enlightenment in many temples, always carried with her a little Buddha she had carved for herself out of wood, and which she had covered with gold leaf. It was very pretty.

    One day she came to stay at a temple where there were many Buddhas. Whenever she burned incense before her golden Buddha, she begrudged the others any of the savor, and so she always used a little funnel that carried the smoke of the incense straight to her Buddha%26#039;s nose. Within a week her Buddha was laughable - his face no longer was gold leaf, but black smut.|||true love expects nothing in return.|||Wow, but do you go on and on and on.

    I really only read the first part since it went on so long.

    But I agree, unconditional love is just that, unconditional. Unconditional love would say, %26quot;yes I love you, I love you enough to let you go and be where you need to be.%26quot;

    Selfish attachment would say %26quot;no you can%26#039;t go, what about me?%26quot;|||Wow. I couldn%26#039;t read all that. But I would say the difference could be easily exemplified by me and my husband. My husband loves me unconditionally (don%26#039;t know why).... while I am selfishly attatched (who WOULDN%26#039;T %26quot;love%26quot; a man like that).

    I remember something said about Jesus: %26quot;We love him because he loved us first%26quot; or something like that. The unselfish love that some people give, can nurture a wounded soul until they also can give the same unconditional love (if they are honest, and interested in self-improvement). The wisdom of one, becomes the reason for the grateful adoration and emulation of another. Thank-you to all those who love unconditionally, and teach people like me to do likewise.

    How do I lead this debate?

    im initiating the debate neutral on the subject. I just need good questions.

    Here are the ones so far:

    1.How many of you have been to other countries

    Is there a difference between the air here and the air there

    If Yes , why

    2.How do you think that Hong Kong got themselves in this situation

    3.Many of you have heard that the effects of global warming and air pollution is irreversible. Do you think this is true

    4.Can Technology and Human development exist without pollution and without harming the natural world

    5.What kind of everyday choices can we do to improve our air quality

    6.What can the government change or contribute to help change the global situation

    7.What kind of human values contribute to the destruction of nature and our environnment

    8.Do you think that their is a limit for society or the world to be based on indiviualism

    9.What can we do to promote public mindedness versus individualism


    I need one last one.|||Debating topics or %26quot;moots%26quot; are usually a statement rather than a question, and people take a side on the statement (either affirmative or negative). For example, a moot I debated recently was %26quot;That nuclear power is our best bet%26quot; and we were negating this. So I suggest turning the questions into positive statements (so people can agree or disagree), and maybe using the one on nuclear power. Another good one is %26quot;that we should embrace genetic engineering%26quot;. That last one is a good moot. It is relatively easy to debate over, it was part of an impromptu debating tournament I was in. We only got three minutes after hearing the moot and your side to prepare, so it%26#039;s a good moot if you just want a casual debate.|||Are you sure that%26#039;s development and not just a whacko example of nondevelopment?
  • kind of bad acne
  • good for enlarged pores
  • Afraid I had a m/c or was never even pregnant....?

    I have asked about this before a few days ago but the situation/symptoms have changed. I%26#039;m really sad, and I am so sure many of you will be able to relate. My period was due the 21st (Friday) and I was positive it wouldn%26#039;t come. I%26#039;ve had 2 kids and although I am not TTC and my husband def is NOT, I have to admit after I felt pregnant and had all of the symptoms I did start to fall in love with my little seed. I had 2 very fain

    t positive Hpt%26#039;s and then a few days later with another brand I

    got a negative. So here comes the 21st when period is due

    and I wake at 2am to find I%26#039;m bleeding when I wipe and it%26#039;s

    bright red. Then when I go to flush nothing is there! Well, I had

    some cramps later in the day but nothing serious and the

    bleeding was changing color sometimes darker, sometimes

    pinkish. I was wearing a pad at this point and it was showing

    on the pad but nothing like a period at all. Then I find a tiny

    clot or two, not even pea sized. So here comes the panic. I

    called the Dr and they%26#039;re doing a blood test Monday and told

    me to call and cnxl my blood test if the bleeding becomes a

    period. Well, the bleeding lasted for ONE day and is now just light pink when I wipe sometimes (sometimes nothing) and no blood in the toilet. I know the whole %26#039;wait until Monday%26#039;....but you all know how gut wrenching it is to sit and wonder if your baby is gone or ever even existed! I gained 10lbs...none of my pants fit...i pee every 5 mins almost, nauseous, so bloated that people ask me how far along I am, craving sweets and I do NOT eat sweets...its all so bizarre. With my 1st son I bled so much they told me that I miscarried and then I found out 2 weeks later I was 6 weeks pregnant and he is now almost 4. My second son I had bleeding like this but can%26#039;t remember the color or any of that! He is now 2 and a half. So...I am thinking that I obviously do not produce enough HCG to detect at 4 weeks since it wasn%26#039;t detected either time until around 6 weeks but I don%26#039;t see why I had those faint positives last week! I calculated and I would be 4 weeks today. I guess I just wanted to hear some good stories! Especially any clot experiences.....ugh ladies isn%26#039;t this hard!!!!! Baby dust to all. Xo|||To me it sounds like your period and you were probably not pregnant. 10 pounds is way to much to gain this early on, unless your a few months pregnant and just didnt know.. but if you were a few months pregnant you would be testing strong positives on a HPT by now. Most people dont gain more then a pound in their first 4-5 weeks and usually like 3-5 pounds in their second and thats just due to excess water weight forming around the baby. I would say you were probably never pregnant and are just getting yor period, if you think you are and talk yourself in to thinking you are you will make your body produce typical pregnancy symptoms. I do it almost every month, every month I think im pregnant as we are TTC but every month im not. Its a typical lady thing to do! lol however this might be an indication you want to TTC your third? if you aren%26#039;t freaking out and are happy at the possiblity you could be, you might want to add another addition but are worried about your husbands thoughts? I hope you get the answers you want from your blood test :) good luck, and congrats if you are!!! :)|||we have to study your case thoroghly please tell in more detail,meanwhile let the report of the doctor will give some clue|||its very hard n frustratin i know..

    it sounds to me as tho it is jus spotting.. ( if u r pregnant)

    i rekon its nuffin to worry about.. alot of women get this n its very common...

    What should i expect if i'm having this situation?

    I had sex with my husband first time on 11 April.In beginning, i felt weakness specially in my legs. After few days, i felt too much hunger and a little pain on the left side, in the bottom of my belly.Then i felt so much pain in my breast, my breast was heavy and large in size more than before. My periods were late 2 weeks.Before getting my periods,when i did sex for 2 days i saw a light red colored water after sex when i discharged.On the 3rd day, i felt wet myself when i awoke up early in the morning.I used a pad in case because i thought those are my periods because i had bleeding too much.The bleeding was for 4 days too much, on 5th day it was about to dry and on 6th day, i saw a brown colored blood on my pad but i was almost dried that%26#039;s what i took a shower. I felt some white colored water/spots on my underwear when i was changing my cloths.It was not too much. Now i don%26#039;t have pain in my breast but they are still large and heavy like before and the circles on my breast are little dark than before. Since 2 days, i%26#039;m feeling weakness to much and very light headaches too. I don%26#039;t know i%26#039;m pregnant or not because i can be pregnant may be because Since 11 April i have unprotected sex with my husband daily.I want to know that what happened to me if i%26#039;m pregnant because i got bleeding like periods.Is that a miscarriage or what? Is there anyone who can help me out and if i%26#039;m not pregnant or having miscarriage then why the pregnancy symptoms are existing in myself?because i got my periods 2 weeks late on 15 May and it was ended on 20 May.If it was a miscarriage then why i%26#039;m still having pregnancy symptoms in myself like weakness too much and light headaches?First time i got weakness and headache in the night of 27 May and i feel weakness and headaches in the night more than in the day.Is there anyone who can help me out in this toff situation?Please i need a possible and correct answer.I%26#039;m 20 years old.|||I would expect someone in your situation to pay a visit to a physician...

    What happened to Christiania, Kopenhagen?

    Was in Christiania, Kopenhagen, many years ago. Then it was said they were going to close it down. What happened with it? Is it still the same neighbourhood as before? Has tolerance in Denmark changed with new rightist government? Please I would apreciate as many details as possible about the actual situation, status and life in Christiania, if it still exists..Thanks|||It%26#039;s still there in the same location. They have a website:

    It%26#039;s in Danish, however.

    In 2004, the Danish government passed a law abolishing the collective and treating its 900 members as individuals. Beginning in the summer of 2005, a series of protests have been staged by Christiania members. During the same time, Danish police have made frequent sweeps of the area.

    The Christiania Caf茅 Maanefiskeren installed an outdoor countboard of police patrols on Christiania in November 2005. In the summer of 2006 this passed the 1000th patrol (about 4鈥? patrols a day). These patrols normally consist of 6 to 20 police officers, often dressed in combat uniform and some times with police dogs.

    In January 2006, the government proposed that Christiania would be turned into a residential community adding condominiums for 400 new residents. Current residents, now paying DKK 1450 (USD 250) per month, would be allowed to remain but need to begin paying normal rent for the facilities, albeit below market rent levels. Christiania has rejected this scenario, fearing the freetown would turn into a normal Copenhagen neighbourhood. In particular, the concept of privately owned dwellings would be incompatible with Christiania%26#039;s collective ownership.

    Christiania has countered the government%26#039;s plans for normalisation with its own community driven planning proposal, which after 8 months of internal workshops and meetings gained consensus at the common meeting before being published in early 2006. Christiania%26#039;s own development plan was awarded the Initiative Award of the Society for the Beautification of Copenhagen in November 2006 and the plan has received positive attention from the municipality of Copenhagen and the Agenda 21 Society for its sustainability goals and democratic process.

    Is Obama's idea of "Change" the destruction of American freedom and independence in exchange for the creation?

    of a new Constitution which will provide the President with the Power he needs to regulate American Society in a manner he deems appropriate?

    Is the Obama Administration adhering to the mantra of %26quot;Never let a crisis go to waste%26quot;? Is Obama creating or perpetuating various crisis situations to promote public demand for actions that grant him more power?

    Is he taking over Industries, banks, pursuing immigration policy that is in variance with existing laws, setting up a takeover of energy production, etc.? So far he has been blocking efforts to prevent the environmental damage from the oil leak and thereby increasing the crisis situation and demand for his Cap %26amp; Trade legislation.

    Will he use crisis after crisis to create a demand for changes in the Constitution?|||Obama intends to change America to the extreme. He wants to equal out wealth even though much of that wealth was gained through risk taking and extremely hard work. You see, since individualism doesn%26#039;t mean much to Obama (he only sees us in the %26quot;collective%26quot;sense)...what you have and how you got it, as an individual , is meaningless to him.|||If you don%26#039;t think Obama%26#039;s COMPREHENSIVE REFORM for America is the destruction of everything we hold dear, and the erection and [forced] acceptance of Socialism.... you%26#039;ve been living with blinders on for the last 3 years.|||Name a freedom you lost|||No, he doesn%26#039;t want to take advantage of a catastrophe.. he just wants to move us forward in the right direction so that something like this would happen less often, if at all. What%26#039;s so bad about that?

    It IS freedom.. Freedom from oil.

    And name 1 change in the constitution that he has demanded.. I dare you.

    ** He DOES enforce immigration laws. Have you not heard about the 14 year-old shot and killed at the border in Texas? And now we have profiling in the books in Arizona. Not only are they enforcing the law, they are ABUSING it. Now he wants immigration reform. Learn your facts before you spew nonsense like this. **|||Any Republican complaining of a President or VP trying to snatch too much power is being a bit disingenuous. How does it feel?|||This paranoid conspiracy garbage is seriously the best you people have?

    Good luck regaining power.|||You couldn%26#039;t write fiction based on similar tactics. It would be too radical to believe.|||No - please put down the Fox TV hate and fear crack pipe.

    I've changed my Flickr screen name yesterday, now it says 'create new' or 'merge' account. Pics are gone!!

    I changed my Flickr screen name 1 day ago. No problem, i could still log on after the change. But now, AFTER entering name %26amp; password, i MUST choose one of these options: %26quot;Make a new Flickr account%26quot; or %26quot;Merge with an existing Flickr account%26quot;.

    NO information or help whatsoever on the page why these options now pop up, and i got NO %26#039;why%26#039; mail from Flickr - i think Flickr does an appalling job here. Browsing same issue on the net gives no useful answers.

    My pictures are currently GONE. Not one pops up when i search them on flickr. I don%26#039;t believe it%26#039;s about violating terms - i have no nudity, violence, political stuff, etc. content.

    I%26#039;ve send an email to Flickr (no response yet), but it can take weeks before the situation is handled (if i may believe people with same issue).

    WHY do i get these two options (before i can enter my account) after ONLY changing the screen name?

    The options make no sense and i%26#039;ve read users lost their pics choosing either.|||if it is crap why use it, You could go to Pbase.

    As far as I know you should be able to log in under your old name.

    I have now had a pro account for four years with out any trouble and yes I have change my screen name and also set up a new account
  • is there a lestateboomover
  • primer for combination skin
  • History questions????

    1.) situation that exists when a country sells more goods than it buys.

    2.) era between 1400-1750 when Europeans made major changes to thier economics due to new exploration.

    3.) military technique relying on swift raids by small bands of soldiers.

    4.) business organization developed during the Commercial Revolution in which owners raised money by selling shares, or stock, in the company.

    answer any or all.

    thanks (:

    |||1. favorable balance of trade

    2. Mercantalism (mercantile)

    4. Joint stock companies|||2. Age of exploration? (I%26#039;m not sure)

    3. guerilla warfare

    Do most white girls like Asian guys, or only few?

    Hi! I%26#039;m a Vietnamese American male. I was born in the US and my parents are very Americanized. Mostly all my friends are not Asian so I think a bit like them. I%26#039;m in high school right now so I have a lot ahead of me. I%26#039;m not the typical Asian nerd-I play sports and I like talking to other people. I have had crushes before and all I them have been white. Because I%26#039;m Asian, I feel can%26#039;t get anywhere with a white girl and I%26#039;ve been very depressed about it. But recently I%26#039;ve searched the web and learned that there are white girls who do like Asian guys, but it%26#039;s just the lack of communication. If this is true, I have no problem being assertive, but I%26#039;m just not sure. In fact, some white girls prefer Asian guys because they think they are more caring, honest, disciplined, etc. I%26#039;m not going to lie-I%26#039;m nowhere near obnoxious, cocky, or whatever. I%26#039;ve always and only liked white girls, and I want to marry one. Yes, I do think long term-though I%26#039;m only in high school, I think very long runnish for my age. So bottom line, do most white girls like Asian guys as they would like any guy of another race or do only Asian lover white girls like us? I am worried because it is rare for an AM/WF couple to exist, so what will that mean for me later on? Right now, in my high school career, I have a huge crush on a white girl with some Spanish in her. She is very kind, almost Christ like (I%26#039;ve never seen her do anything too wrong). We are friends right now but I%26#039;ve developed closer feelings. I%26#039;ve grown to like her so much I can%26#039;t stop thinking about her and it%26#039;s depressing that this is only high school because relationships at my age don%26#039;t last, you know? I kind of wish that I stopped liking her because I%26#039;m afraid I might do something stupid. I can tell you this crush is not a typical high school one, and I know what those are like. Anyway, I love this girl and I%26#039;m afraid that race might be a big issue. She has dated a native American guy before, but I don%26#039;t know what to think of that. I know sooner or later this situation will change. This is just an example. I looking for answers that will help me long term as an Asian male who wants to marry a white female. I don%26#039;t know if I%26#039;m good looking or not but I am not ugly. I have normal hair and I%26#039;m pretty tan. People like me because I make them laugh and I have postive attitude. I%26#039;m just afraid some girls might see me only as a friend and plus the ethnic barrier. I sometimes think there is no hope for me but who knows? I am not asking for advice on dating, but how race plays in this and how I should act. I%26#039;m not going to lie-i never had a girlfriend before because I have already enough personal issues (my parents fight A Lot!) and I didn%26#039;t want any more trouble at that time. I know I need to get a girlfriend very soon, but it%26#039;s just so hard when you have a crush and most of the girls at your school are white. I am against racism, so I apologize for any misunderstandings. I go to a private catholic school which is very expensive and my parents can BARELY afford the tuition, so I am not spoiled rich, maybe the opposite because I have lived through a huge financially sacrificed life. This school is my first choice because the only other school has an average ACT of 15, and my parents want me to have a good education. I am only a sophomore but do not please answer like I am a typical obnoxious teenager because I am not one. I think a lot about things higher than I should be concerned with and I have a mindset of someone wiser than the average kid. So please, do not choose to not answer because I am younger, because Im thinking long term for me. Anyone, please help me with your experience, opinions, etc. I appreciate answers from any white female, white male, Asian female, Asian male, or anyone experienced With interracial relationships. I admit I am desperate for knowledge and advice. I appreciate your help! Thank you so much!|||dont worry about race... if i like someone its usually for their personality although looks dont hurt :) but if u are hangin out with only white people u have a much better chance of dating a white girl|||to tell the true i am white girl and i like Asians guy a lot, but my friends told me i am stupid, i don%26#039;t know why, but i am attracted to them, by the way, my problem is, that i can麓t find any, and maybe i just think, that they don麓t like white girls :D

    sorry about my English i learn it 1. year

    Report Abuse

    |||that is disgusting, I%26#039;m white and am only attracted to white males. Stick with your own kind!

    Report Abuse

    |||i dnt know bout the white girls

    but i know alota black girls who like asian guys|||i didnt read you whole thing but i dont only like Asian guys we can date|||EVERYBODY LOVES THEM FINE ASIANS.|||I never seen an white women with asian guy in my whole life only on the TV.White women usually date men that are taller then them.|||I am white and I think Asians are finnnnneeee and cute|||look

    just ask her for her number or something

    most asian guys are really quiet

    the white girls at my school just ignore them...

    if it doesn%26#039;t work out with the white chick,

    give girls of different races a try|||Where I%26#039;m from white females love black men.

    I cannot log into youtube. It's so frustrating. What do I do?

    Okay here is the situation. I log out of youtube so I can log into my old corrupted account to remind everyone else to change subscriptions. I hit the log in button and stupid google gives me a 404 error. It tells me that the login page no longer exists. WTF?!|||you should stop trying to login. If you want to tell people to change subscriptions, you should probably use your new account to message all of your old subscribers to change subscriptions.

    Last day of the rest of my life?

    Last day of the rest of my life

    I wish I would%26#039;ve known

    Cause I didn%26#039;t kiss my mama goodbye

    I didn%26#039;t tell her that I loved her and how much I care

    Or thank my pops for all the talks

    And all the wisdom he shared

    Unaware, I just did what I always do

    Everyday, the same routine

    Before I skate off to school

    But who knew that this day wasn%26#039;t like the rest

    Instead of taking a test

    I took two to the chest

    Call me blind, but I didn%26#039;t see it coming

    Everybody was running

    But I couldn%26#039;t hear nothing

    Except gun blasts, it happened so fast

    I don%26#039;t really know this kid

    Even though I sit by him in class

    Maybe this kid was reaching out for love

    Or maybe for a moment

    He forgot who he was

    Or maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged

    Whatever it was

    I know it%26#039;s because

    We are, We are, the youth of the nation

    Little Suzy, she was only twelve

    She was given the world

    With every chance to excel

    Hang with the boys and hear the stories they tell

    She might act kind of proud

    But no respect for herself

    She finds love in all the wrong places

    The same situations

    Just different faces

    Changed up her pace since her daddy left her

    Too bad he never told her

    She deserved much better

    Johnny boy always played the fool

    He broke all the rules

    So you would think he was cool

    He was never really one of the guys

    No matter how hard he tried

    Often thought of suicide

    It%26#039;s kind of hard when you ain%26#039;t got no friends

    He put his life to an end

    They might remember him then

    You cross the line and there%26#039;s no turning back

    Told the world how he felt

    With the sound of a gat

    Who%26#039;s to blame for the lives that tragedies claim

    No matter what you say

    It don%26#039;t take away the pain

    That I feel inside, I%26#039;m tired of all the lies

    Don%26#039;t nobody know why

    It%26#039;s the blind leading the blind

    I guess that%26#039;s the way the story goes

    Will it ever make sense

    Somebody%26#039;s got to know

    There%26#039;s got to be more to life than this

    There%26#039;s got to be more to everything

    I thought exists|||I didn%26#039;t read the whole thing but it seems like another one of those sad poems.......|||uuuuuuuuhhhhhh|||Stop writing about life and live it instead|||If you have written that, it was lovely. The way it was expressed, mind blowing.

    Keep up the good work !|||Hey I think it%26#039;s an OK job of contemporary amateur poetry... Pretty decent attempt to convey ur anguish... Keep it goin... :-)|||POD...

    I love that song.

    Youth Of The Nation

    It makes me sad though because i remember the Columbine high school shooting :(|||Thank you....|||I prefer Ode to a Nightingale.

    Do you cease to exist every time you have a new thought?

    I was thinking about this the other day. I%26#039;m not quite sure how to explain it properly. It%26#039;s going to take a while to get to the real question, so I%26#039;m going to put forth a couple of situations first. This is going to be long so please hang in there with me.

    In my mind, a person or individual is who they are because of how they think. But take someone who has amnesia. Some people who have amnesia experience personality changes. To me, this proves that memories and experiences help make us who we are. If a person has amnesia, then he may end up no longer being the same person he was before. But it%26#039;s clear that there was a previous self that was a different person. When you think about someone existing, without the thoughts and memories he had before, isn%26#039;t that just the same as saying the person he was no longer exists?

    Let%26#039;s take it further. Say you clone yourself. Would you consider you and that clone to be the same person if you had the same memories? Would you be the same person because you both think the same way and have the same personality? Common sense would seem to say that although you and the clone both have the potential to become someone different, at that moment both you and the clone are the same. Does that mean you%26#039;re both the same existence at that point? Somehow I think that you are, even if you are physically separate. The reason why is because of my real question below.

    If I have a thought, I know that it%26#039;s me that%26#039;s having that thought. At this point I know that I exist. Well what about the %26#039;me%26#039; a moment ago that had a different thought? A moment ago I knew I existed as well, but I had a different thought in my mind. Am I or am I not in a different state of existence than I was a moment ago? Does that mean that there was a different me that existed a moment ago, but now no longer exists because I%26#039;ve had a new thought? It%26#039;s difficult for me to consider, because I know that even when I%26#039;m not saying in my mind that %26quot;I am thinking this,%26quot; that I%26#039;m still having thoughts. That in itself must mean that there is still an existence. So what connects the points in which you are actually aware that you are thinking? I feel like you change every time you gain something new, new information, knowledge, or memories. Every time you acquire something new, you%26#039;re different than what you were before. Can you really say that you are not a completely different existence every time you acquire a new thought? That somehow, you%26#039;re dying constantly and someone new is taking your place each time?|||There are several problems with your reasoning... I%26#039;m not even going to get into the validity of it all.

    ..Let%26#039;s begin with the 2nd paragraph simply on facts.

    People who experience amnesia don%26#039;t go through personality changes per-say. People with amnesia instead, show their true character. The reason being they have no memories that would otherwise make them cautious as to how they act. A person who has amnesia, is the exact same person, but with no memories. How they act while those memories are gone shows the very core of their nature. Which has a tendency to be either selfish or humble in most cases. People who were fed up with their state of life , for example, tend to go through an apparent radical change, but in actuality, in forgetting the %26quot;masks%26quot; they put on in order to get along with people and keep relationships , they are simply showing who they are really.

    Now, ignoring that cloning is impossible to do with lasting results, That clone would not become you. That you are correct on, however your reasoning for it is off. Although cloning is somewhat possible, transferring memories is not under any circumstance. In essence, a clone of you at this exact moment would result in an aged body with a baby%26#039;s mind. The only way this would work would be if you had just been born and had a twin brother. (Now twins never have the same personalities now do they....)

    Now, assuming a clone came built in with language and understanding and all the memories you had up to that point, then, because he has your body, he would have the exact athletic abilities as you and even the same mannerisms, but because he is his own person, would develop different interests and thus develop new skills the very moment he steps in a place you are not currently standing.

    Now your last paragraph flat out doesn%26#039;t even make any sence and you know it. Did you or did you not just rip that out of your butt as you typed. If you tell this to someone, I%26#039;m willing to place good money that you aren%26#039;t truly thinking when you say it, but rather saying whatever comes to mind.

    In conclusion, you are thinking abstractly and as result to doing so constantly, have thought your very existence to be abstract.

    The major flaw in this whole paper is your very first premise.

    A person is not a person based on what they think. A person is a person based on what they do.|||No, no, no. I wasn%26#039;t grading it like a paper. lol.

    I was just pointing out where things fall apart in the whole thing... I probably could have done better in wording it.

    It is an interesting concept, I%26#039;m just pointing out it doesn%26#039;t make sense. On the clone, all the clones memories would be a lie.

    Report Abuse

    |||I just thought about this last night really.

    I understand completely and wholeheartedly agree, memories are crucial for continuous consciousness of who you are.|||wow thats an amazing idea. i think about all this sort of crazy stuff. i dont know the answer though|||If this interests you then you should really read some psychology books and it will go very in depth about all this. I am studying psychology in school and it is very interesting but I am unable to answer this for I have not taken it very long.|||Even then, what aspects make up your %26#039;personality%26#039; are not memories inclusively, but feelings (genetic, by the way). Amnesia wipes out memory not replicable genetic character developments.

    What do you define as a personality? Thinking abstractly and attempting to answer abstract questions (which I might say, are not objective). I see speculation, unsupported.
  • database
  • private dermatologist
  • Addiction - What is inherently wrong with it?

    (I restarted this question because i laid the last question out sloppily and people were missing my point)

    Question: What is wrong with being addicted to something? Everyone is addicted to something right now, but people seem to have this great fear and abhorrence for drug addiction without really explaining or knowing why it seems.

    Definition: addiction is a state in which the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical dependence. When this substance is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal, a characteristic set of signs and symptoms

    Substances i want to focus on:

    Substances that do NO physical harm(opiates,can be taken for many many years by people without real physical harm). I am not talking about drugs like alcohol which destroy your liver, or cocaine that destroys your heart, or meth which destroys just about everything. Only those drugs which are addictive that can be taken long term without physical harm, or physical harm that can be avoided with simple things like vitamins or exercise. A non-opiate example of this would be Ambien (zolpidem) or valium(benzo class).

    I do not want to talk about overdosing because it is easily avoided with responsible use and doctor supervision of dosage increase. people dying from overdose from streets drugs either had something cut into the main drug, got a much more potent drug, or were suicidal in which case we may as well make rope illegal. accidents of course happen but accidental deaths are not reasons to make things illegal or to ostracize people for doing a substance.

    I am also not concerned with social problems caused by the illegal nature of drugs. Street gangs form because drugs are a money maker due to their scarcity which starts with them being made illegal, just as the mob rose up with prohibition of alcohol. Stealing for the drug is made unnecessary when the drug is cheaply available and easily obtained due to large scale production and distribution.

    In addition i am not really concerned with things like beating your wife while under the influence because that is not the responsibility of the drug, that is the responsibility of the person. Alcohol doesnt make you attack someone, you chose to at a point. It can make you less afraid to take a violent action, but it cannot force you to and this is something the courts and i agree on.

    One final note, i am also not talking about problems like driving under the influence and killing someone. that is not a problem of addiction but a problem of responsibility. there are plenty of people that drink alcohol that have never set foot in the driver%26#039;s seat under the influence and then there are people that readily try to drive home after drinking heavily. the problem was there before the substance ever was.

    I am of course talking about a situation with drugs that does not currently exist (except in a few experimental towns/clinics) but i am talking about a situation that existed for millenia before the recent %26quot;war on drugs%26quot; made them illegal and created the black market, drug gangs, drug wars in many countries where they fight to control supply, and violence due to the need to steal to obtain the drug or money to obtain the drug. I am asking why the sudden change in perception where before morphine was just a helpful cough medicine/pain suppressant it is now demonized without it being inherently bad in any way and is in fact helpful in many ways.|||It is your right to be addicted to any drug you wish.

    Most drugs that are illegal are because of the harm inflicted on

    others while under their influence and the long term health


    Many that use these drugs do not have health coverage and

    become a burden on state and federal agencies to care for

    them and cause the loss millions of dollars in tax payers funds

    used for their care.

    I can see your point of view even though I do not agree with it.

    Its like those that say, %26quot;I shouldn%26#039;t be required to wear a

    helmet when I ride my motorcycle!%26quot;

    The reason for the helmet law was and is because when a

    motorcyclist is in an accident, several agencies of the state

    and hospital systems have to pay the bills for these motorists

    that usually have no medical insurance.

    Let me ask you this: If you were to have a seizure and be in a

    hospital for 6 months due to your drug use, are you able to

    pay your expenses or will your state, hospital system and the

    taxpayers pay your expenses?

    Everyone that complains seems to be focused only on their

    rights and could care less about the millions of dollars being

    wasted on their needless medical expenses that rob those

    that really need the help because it drains the state and

    hospital systems of the operational funds to help those who

    are sick instead of those not smart enough to not use drugs

    and screw their self up.

    If you are going to screw yourself up using drugs, sign a wavier

    so you can just die and get it over with. But you won%26#039;t. Because

    after you screw yourself up, you demand and feel you are

    owed the medical treatment that those that are sick may be

    denied just because of your right to screw yourself up.

    You made a conscious choice to put your life in danger. The

    sick don%26#039;t have that option. And may not be able to get the

    medical help they need because the medical system is

    drained by those invoking their right to do as they please

    even if robs others of their rights and medical treatments.

    All of you say you are right until your drugs catch up with you.

    Then its up to others to clean up after you and provide

    thousands of dollars in funding which in most cases is

    needless since you will just go back out and screw yourself

    up invoking your rights again.

    Those on drugs I have met aren%26#039;t able to understand what I

    have said here. Anything that robs them of their right to do as

    they please and removes their right to rob others of their rights

    is unacceptable.

    We will never agree on this subject. You feel my tax dollars are

    to be used if you need them. I don%26#039;t feel my tax dollars should

    be used for addicts. But fortunate for you, I don%26#039;t have a say

    in it!

    This is one of your statements:

    I am asking why the sudden change in perception where before morphine was just a helpful cough medicine/pain suppressant it is now demonized without it being inherently bad in any way and is in fact helpful in many ways.

    Morphine is not harmless unless in a small dose. It was used

    as a pain suppressant but most people became addicted to it.

    Morphine will shut your kidneys down if used on a regular basis.|||What is inherently wrong with it is the inability to say no even in the presence of the anticipation adverse consequences.

    Threat Assesment. Assignment Help, Please for Security and Risk Management?

    The management of a large shopping centre is considering leasing part of its facilities to a cinema chain that wants to take advantage of the concentration of potential customers using the centre. Leasing facilities to the cinema means that the shopping centre will need to be open until 11:30pm on weeknights and 12:30pm on weekends to provide access to the cinemas customers.

    The lessees in the shopping centre have raised concerns about the possibility of increased break-ins. The centre鈥檚 management asks your advice on the possibility of increased risks.

    Tell the assessor how you would:

    1. Gather information on existing threats in the shopping centre鈥檚 current operating environment

    2. Identify similar situations with like organisations

    3. Identify changes to the stability of the current operating environment

    4. Determine the potential threat to the assets of lessees in the shopping centre

    5. Identify actions that the shopping centre鈥檚 management might undertake in the light of potential risks|||Just a few tips, others may add more.

    1. Get info from the local police on crime stats in the area, both the centre and any small shopping centres close by. Also talk to any private security firms that may operate in the area.

    2. Talk to managers of similar centres in other suburbs if available. Ask what their procedures are.

    3. This would identify different age groups that would use the centre, there is a likelihood that teens and twenties would be the biggest customer base for the cinemas, especially at night, causing concern to those only there for the shopping.

    4. Those using the cinemas may not be customers for the shops, and may be drug and alcohol affected. This is known to be a problem in this type of centre, especially in low income areas.

    5. Depending on your area, and shopping regulations and hours, it may be advisable to do what many Australian centres do, close off the main shopping precinct at shop closing time, so that cinema patrons are confined to the cinema area, and kept clear of the shops.

    She says she is burned out. Need some serious insight, plz!?

    which is fine. I know she is. But after a couple of months of a dynamite relationship, she just holed up. Now she says she %26quot;loves me but she just can%26#039;t do it%26quot; (stick w/ the relationship). I would be ok with that, too, but she told me she is afraid she will only hurt me eventually. I think that is ridiculous. I have read accounts on Answers alluding to similar circumstances, so I know the situation really exists where people bow out of a great relationship b/c they are scared it is going too well. That is what I believe is happening here. So please answer accordingly. My question is, what do I do? I can%26#039;t let her go only to assume the guilt of letting the relationship crumble but I can%26#039;t stay with her unless her approach to me changes. I love her too much and am POSITIVE she loves me as much. Time is of the essence, but I am getting burned out, too.|||she knows you%26#039;re a sucker by the way you keep saying that%26#039;s ok

    she%26#039;s srewing around behind all that talk-you%26#039;ll see

    Long Q, but could use lots of help. Any takers?

    She says she is burned out which is fine (to say/be if she is). I know she is. But after a couple of months of a dynamite relationship, she just holed up. Now she says she %26quot;loves me but she just can%26#039;t do it%26quot; (stick w/ the relationship). I would be ok with that, too, but she told me she is afraid she will only hurt me eventually. I think that is ridiculous. I have read accounts on Answers alluding to similar circumstances, so I know the situation really exists where people bow out of a great relationship b/c they are scared it is going too well. That is what I believe is happening here. So please answer accordingly. My question is, what do I do? I can%26#039;t let her go only to assume the guilt of letting the relationship crumble but I can%26#039;t stay with her unless her approach to me changes. I love her too much and am POSITIVE she loves me as much. Time is of the essence, but I am getting burned out, too.|||If she is saying she doesnt want to hurt you in the long run, you should respond with that everyone gets hurt during a relationship even its one of the bumps in the road throws at us. Its a test for you both to overcome it. Its going to happen no matter who either of you are with. Sit down and have a long talk with her, let her know how you feel. Be sure to listen to how she feels aswell.|||I think that it%26#039;s time to start taking heavy drugs.

    Dear Yahoo Answers: Please create a new category Teenagers with Relationship Angst (Caution: Only for the mentally-challenged)!|||She%26#039;s sending you a message, she wants you to dump her.|||Tell her how much you care for her and want to save the relationship. Ask her if she would consider going to counseling with you. The most important things you can give her are love, understanding, support, and reassurance.|||try to talk to her bout this. if she loves u as much as u think then she will want this to last a long time.|||If she says she %26quot;just can%26#039;t do it%26quot; it looks like you don%26#039;t really have a choice here. That means she doesn%26#039;t want to be with you and there%26#039;s not a lot you can do about that. Whatever her reasons, she%26#039;s breaking things off, so you should probably give her some space. If you%26#039;re hoping to get back together with her, you should let her know you%26#039;re still around to talk, and maybe call her every once and a while to say hi.|||If you%26#039;re only been dating 60 days or so, it%26#039;s probably that the infatuation has burned off and she%26#039;s not willing to take it any further.

    Respect her wishes and comprehend her words.

    She%26#039;s not itnerested in having a relationship with you. She%26#039;s not interesting in changing. She%26#039;s not all that interested in you.

    A 60-day romantic fling is hardly love, it%26#039;s infatuation that burned out, as it always does.|||Well, I am exactly like her. As a matter of fact, my b/f just asked me the same question today. To tell you the truth, it is hard. The negative personality is in our blood. Unless something drastic happens, we are unlikely to change. You can only be understanding and be patience.|||don%26#039;t split up just spend more time with friends and away from each other, trust me you will be glad you did. my fiance and I live together and every other night after work we go hang out with out each other and meet at home around 9 or 10pm and that has brought our relationship to a new high. Do it you won%26#039;t regret it !!!|||In answer to your question, %26quot;What can I do?%26quot; here%26#039;s the definitive answer: nothing.

    If she wants out, for whatever reason, heed her warnings. Many people don%26#039;t listen to what the other person is saying because it doesn%26#039;t jive with what they are thinking or what they want. I had a man flat out tell me he was bad news and to stay away from him, of course I didn%26#039;t, and oh the agony.

    The best thing for you to do is a classic old saying, if you love her let her go, if she comes back, she%26#039;s yours. If not, have a bottle of Jack ready because it%26#039;s gonna hurt. Do it now while the hurt won%26#039;t be as bad as later. Good luck.|||well if you love her, than maybe you just need to be there for her. or if she%26#039;s asking for space give her a little. not enough that she might consider herself single, but call her a little less, see her a little less. make her miss you being there. somtimes all a girl needs is a wake up call. so if she really loves you and you give her a little space, she%26#039;ll see that being apart isn%26#039;t what she really wants. she%26#039;s just trying to figure things out in her mind.|||Mate unfortunately you have no control over her feelings or her actions, you must look after yourself first as that is most important key to survival. Hopefully her fears will fade away and you guys can get back on track. sometimes in life when we do not have enough self worth feeling worthy of good things in life we shrug off all the good stuff because it%26#039;s heavy emotionally and although we deeply love we rid ourselves of good relationships because we just can%26#039;t handle it, we are afraid of all the possibilities that haven%26#039;t even occurred yet. It%26#039;s our thinking that spoils all the fun and good stuff that is happening, some people just can%26#039;t believe they actually deserve all the good stuff and they can%26#039;t handle life%26#039;s pressures for it%26#039;s overwhelming. Step back a little and pray she realises she does deserve you and if she can get a handle on her emotions all will be well. sometimes love is not enough especially if it is burning you out. mate you got to look after your spirit, your mental and emotional health regardless of how wonderful the experience of her was. Good luck as love really hurts with or without them x o|||I%26#039;m sorry that you%26#039;re hurting and confused. when someone gives you mixed signals such as [ I love you, but I can%26#039;t stick with the relationship] it%26#039;s hard to know what to do. but sometimes you%26#039;ve got to let someone go so they can figure out their true feelings in a relationship. you sound like you care for this girl a great deal, and I know it will be hard to walk away, but for right now it%26#039;s probably the best thing for you and for her.

    And you have no reason to feel guilty, loving someone and trying to make a relationship work is a very honorable and mature thing to do. you%26#039;ve made your feelings clear to her.

    It sounds like she wants her freedom, so let her go, and if she really loves you, she%26#039;ll come back to you.

    I wish you the best.

    Where do Blacks blame racism?

    I know racism exists, I know America is dominated by white culture, but is it fair for black people to express anger towards white people who were born into this situation?

    I see white people doing a lot to try to change the %26quot;racist%26quot; culture and not getting any appreciation from the black community. I think the remaining anger that exists from whites towards blacks is the suppressed anger created from not recieving an attitude of appreciation for the efforts of improving the situation of blacks.

    So why is it that blacks continue to throw a hissy fit?|||because they are taught that all whites want to keep them down

    my ancestors weren%26#039;t even here when slavery existed but i still get blamed. also i get accused of being racist for no good reason i mean if you a jerk your race has nothing to do with it.|||some do throw hissy fits, but i think the majority just realize that they don%26#039;t need to thank white people for %26#039;allowing%26#039; them to be treated with the dignity and respect that ALL people deserve.

    if someone stole something from you and returned it later, would you feel the need to %26#039;thank%26#039; them for giving you back something that you%26#039;re entitled to?|||Umm...hmmm...I%26#039;m not coming down on you because I think you probably don%26#039;t mean to come off the way that you are. I agree that some people blame racism for all of their problems when the real problem is that they are lazy and refuse to take personal responsibility. I also agree that no one who is alive today is responsible for the circumstances that created the state of race relations today.

    That being said, I don%26#039;t owe white people gratitude nor do I owe any white person an attitude of appreciation for treating me like a human being, %26quot;allowing%26quot; me to accomplish what I am capable of accomplishing or accepting me as an equal or showing me the respect that I show them. The belief that I do is what hinders all efforts of improving the situation for the country and everyone living in it whether they are white, black, yellow or red. I don%26#039;t need a white person to save me or improve my situation. I%26#039;m a hell of a lot better off than millions of whites will ever be.|||I guess some people let a small group of racist give everyone a bad image...|||just blame the media

    omg pinky LOL!!!
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  • Would you agree that if a "pay gap" exists, it is not because anyone is intentionally trying to pay women less?

    but that it is just the way market forces work?


    1. women tend to major in softer subjects in college like sociology rather than math or finance - the law of supply and demand pays people with soft skills like counselors less than people on Wall Street.

    2. women that are not college educated tend to do office work that is not unionized labor and does not require very technical skills or much physical strength - such as a machinist or plumber might. women have not made a huge attempt to unionize office labor and women tend to go back to college rather than do things like create unions.

    3.women tend to leave the labor force at a crucial time in their career to have children. this puts them further behind the curve on the ladder to promotions.

    4. women tend to be less aggressive than men in the workforce and less willing to attempt to promote themselves. i have witnessed this myself in the workplace as well as in MBA class participation.

    i don%26#039;t believe there is any way to change this situation without installing some type of socialistic mechanism, which would be unfair as well and not characteristic of our capitalist society.

    what are your feelings on this? never thought anyone was really out to deliberately screw women out of pay, just the way the factors above have created the gap.|||As a woman, I agree with all of your points. I happen to be an exception to the %26quot;pay gap%26quot; rule - I study mechanical engineering. When I%26#039;m finished with school, I have no doubt that my salary will be the same as that of a man with similar skills and achievements.

    However, I have certainly noticed that the number of women in engineering drops off steadily as you progress to higher levels (with higher salaries). It%26#039;s just the way things are at the moment. Few women start out in fields that pay well (exactly what you said about women majoring in softer subjects), and for some reason we just don%26#039;t tend to last long. I think it%26#039;s time we started asking ourselves %26quot;why not?%26quot; instead of complaining about an imaginary pay gap.|||you have a point, but this is still a very sexist question|||I love how you question if it exists, when you prove that it does.

    Look to your wife or future wife when children come and ask who is going to stay at home. Most men have too big of egos to bit the bullet and do the homemaking and children. Despite the fact that most women do still want to presue their careers

    Love doesn't exist!!?

    When you think about it, romantic love only lasts about 18 months to two years, only because it serves a biological function to bring people together to have sex and perpetuate the species. Attraction is only chemical - a response to pheremones - and there is no way that love between a man and a woman will survive for any long period of time if one of them doesn%26#039;t want to have sex. Then, you may as well be living with any one of your platonic friends.

    People get sick of each other and divorce, so whatever was holding them together was only a temporary attraction and not a deep, enduring affection. It was probably lust or what they thought was love but was something else - like panic or settling.

    The only people who really stay together are those who need to for financial reasons, those who are too scared to be alone, and those who are too lazy to pack up and change their situation.

    You see lots of old married couples. Do you really think that they have a real passion for each other or that they are just resigned to their fate of needing a companion to with whom to share life%26#039;s burdens and with whom to split bills, rather than really knowing that is the one person they want to be with over all others and why.

    Even the supposedly unconditional love for a child doesn%26#039;t survive for some people if the parent and child are different enough or have personalities and behaviours that the other one cannot tolerate.

    I think love is just a made up scam to perpetuate the human race (who knows why?) and/or to couple up for economic reasons.

    Anyone else? Anyone been in what they would call love for a long time? What%26#039;s the difference between love and lust. Isn%26#039;t love really just love with better manners and a hidden agenda?|||you have some good points but i still believe in love|||i love someone no lust in it either. and i really reallyyyyy like him like loveeeee. its about belief and hope that never fails. its out there and very rare. u ussually feel at peace when they r around and u never get sick of them because its not just sex. its that person and love never fades it last forever bro|||Love is a compassion for their mate that can last a life time to make them happy. Mutual sex can last a lifetime too but sex isn%26#039;t everything. Pride for one another helps. Marriage has many reasons to stay together, dedication to one another is a strong bond. Treating each other with respect helps too. Caring about each other is a help too. Just being with your love one can be fun and humor on a daily basis ties the bind even tighter too. Having a good time is paramount to a strong marriage. Selfishness, smugness and insults are the main killer of most marriages. The list goes on but at this time I can%26#039;t think of any more. Oh yes, one more thing children also can solidify the bond between all of the people involved in the marriage. You mentioned money and most couples are concerned that their money may not go far enough and they will try to work things out short of getting the divorce you mentioned. And by the way what%26#039;s wrong with wanting to share your life with someone else? A friend of mine once said that %26#039;sex is the most fun you can have without laughing%26#039;. He%26#039;s right in a way but my wife and I sure do a lot of laughing when we hit the hay. This is it for now!

    Should the president be Commander in Chief?

    Our first president, General George Washington, was the original commander in chief of America%26#039;s armed forces to defend its states. He was a fitting commander in chief, you can%26#039;t doubt his credentials. But is it really wise to have our top executive automatically be the commander in chief? Washington rose to that rank through military discipline as most generals do. It seems strange to me that it%26#039;s possible for people with no military experience to become commander in chief. The next military rank below commander in chief (is it 4 star general?) requires years upon years of service in the military.

    I think commander in chief should be a presidential appointee with consent of the house or senate. They would be the top advisor and planner of military affairs. They would have little authority, they would exist more to counsel the house, senate and president and plan US involvement in potential wars and defense.

    I am a McCain supporter, and I realize that my opinion if realized would hurt his chances, but I%26#039;m worried about Obama becoming commander in chief because I feel the position is wasted on him, especially at a time when we need a solid commander in chief. I think that this change would prevent situations like this in the future. Similarly, at the same time, we need capable presidents. Why can%26#039;t we have both? I think that having president be the commander in chief places too many constraints on our priorities, especially when we have wars ongoing and are in need of domestic solutions.|||I have no idea - but this is a really good question.

    Another good question - why is she unqualified just because she%26#039;s a woman? Sure, she has no military experience, but neither did Obama or Clinton or Jimmy Carter!

    After around 30 years, there will be billions of cars but no Oil, What would be the situation?

    after 30 years Billions of cars with new designed models of cars, but if the oil is decreasing, and no oil after 30 years, will the car manufacturers change their business or shutdown or get bankrupt if no car buyer exist as no oil? What could be the Road runners of a common man after 30 years as compared to comman mans cars or bikes of today?(answer should exclude the trams or trains, to know who will rule the road after 30 years).|||There are already alternate forms of fuel to power cars. They are and have been working on alternative fuels for cars for a long time. Ethanol, which is made from raw corn, sugar, wheat(raw materials) is already being used now in some cars, although America does not have many pumps for the fuel, some cars can already use it. We also do not have many processing plants for ethanol right now but there is a large debate on whether or not the energy produced from ethanol is more or less than the amount of resources it uses to make a gallon of ethanol. I don%26#039;t think it is very profitable so a lot of companies wont try to develop ethanol fuel as of yet. If we had to, I%26#039;m sure it wouldn%26#039;t matter.

    I think it is Brazil that is the leader right now among alternative fuels for cars and I want to say that at least 50% or more of the vehicles on the road in Brazil do not use gasoline. Also, sometime in the future, Hydrogen powered vehicles may come into play. These alternative fuels are being researched and developed every day, so that we do not find ourselves in that predicament.|||Some perdict that there will be enough energy at a cost much greater than $6.00/gallon.|||probabbly in vent cars that dont need oil.|||As soon as the oil profiteers stop making money on oil there will be plenty of alternatives.|||For years, auto makers have always experimented with the idea of solar energy, I think within next thirty years, it will be perfected.|||The rich folks will have enough cash to drive...for a while. Oil will be shorter supply but will still be available 30 yrs from now...expensive though. New technology will be able to deal with tar-sands and coal conversion. AND ethanol will displace alot of crude

    How can anyone read statements made by PETA leaders and not believe they are trying to take our pets away?

    Ingrid Newkirk, PETA vice-president, quoted in The Harper%26#039;s Forum Book, Jack Hitt, ed., 1989, p.223.

    %26quot;It is time we demand an end to the misguided and abusive concept of animal ownership. The first step on this long, but just, road would be ending the concept of pet ownership.%26quot;

    John Bryant, Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of A Changing Ethic, PETA, 1982, p.15.

    %26quot;The cat, like the dog, must disappear..... We should cut the domestic cat free from our dominance by neutering, neutering, and more neutering, until our pathetic version of the cat ceases to exist.%26quot;

    PETA%26#039;s Statement on Companion Animals

    %26quot;The bottom line is that people don%26#039;t have the right to manipulate or to breed dogs and cats ... If people want toys they should buy inanimate objects. If they want companionship they should seek it with their own kind

    Pet ownership is an abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation.%26quot;

    -Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA, Washingtonian, August 1986|||Pet ownership is an abysmal situation brought about by human manipulation.%26quot;

    -Ingrid Newkirk, President, PETA, Washingtonian, August 1986

    That line pretty much sums it up.

    I have read many of their articles. They support the complete emancipation of service animals, then eventually companion animals. Just because he left out bits and was misleading does not mean he did not get what they were saying.

    They also support the elimination of the entire pitbull breed (despite the many well adjusted pitbulls that exist in the world). On top of that, they somewhat openly fund the bombing of labs (which kills animals!)

    Unfortunately they are also excellent at appearing relatively mainstream and duping people into giving them money and supporting their causes.|||They are making a misguided and incorrect connection between pets and say, free range chickens and cows. There is no such thing as a %26quot;free%26quot; domesticated animal. Cats and dogs were specifically bred AS pets. They were not wild animals that we %26quot;enslaved%26quot; by making them our pets. Also, spaying and neutering are important ways to keep strays down. Many strays die of starvation, which is much crueler than being %26quot;enslaved%26quot; by humans who love them and care for them. Mr. Bryant and Ms. Newkirk need to check their facts before spouting irresponsible dogma.|||You are misinterpreting and should have provided the whole article instead of just segments.

    What they are saying is that through breeding we are creating animals that we think are %26quot;pretty%26quot; and %26quot;cute%26quot; and are not taking into account what the animals needs are.

    For example...people breed Persian cats to have a smaller more pushed in nose then ever. That is actually desirable! Especially for show Persians. Problem is these cats end up having respiratory problems for the rest of their life because people are breeding the animal to have physical attributes that they want, however, these same people are not taking into account what is best for the animal.

    Also...dogs...take the Dalmatian for example. A lot of people want Dalmatians for a lot of reasons. They are cute, they are iconic of child-hood, they are fire dogs for gods sake! hahahaha No one takes into account that Dalmatians can literally go 400 miles a day AND KEEP ON GOING! A lot of people own dogs who need activity like this and the animals are miserable because they are not getting it.

    Another example...Great Danes...this animals breed was manipulated so much over the years to have bigger this and bigger that. Now these animals are having pre-mature visits to the vet for joint problems.

    PETA does not want irresponsible breeding...they don%26#039;t want the average Jo Blow owning pets that they are not knowledgeable about.|||First things first, plz utilize an entire article not just the segments that work in your favor. PETA is stating that breeds are not meant to be %26quot;adjusted%26quot; to our liking and that certain pet owners should never even thought of owning a pet.

    If you are choosing to stand by this argument then be careful what you read about child protective services or families that are on welfare. The %26quot;parents need to provide for their children, not break the system%26quot; concept comes into play.|||PETA - beware

    Highly activist and extremist

    That%26#039;s exactly what they mean.

    If Peta had their way all animals would be walking freely around. Many starving, only the fitest would survive. I am talking ALL animals! No sanctuaries, No national reserves, No pets. No farms nothing.

    Have you been reading in the States where horses are wandering around starving because the slaughter houses have shut down. People can%26#039;t afford to feed them so have just let them go free. Many of those %26#039;let free horses%26#039; are now starving. Imagine ALL the horses , no other animal, being set free. All the horses in the States wandering around where ever they want to. Now, add to that every single dog and cat. Now add all the cows, steers, bulls, all forms of sheep and goats and pigs etc. etc. Now add all the game farms and zoo animals. That is PETA.

    Be very careful with PETA
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  • Worked at a company where the whole staff has changed how can you can verification of employment.

    I worked for a corporation that provided protective services for other companies, other then when I filled out my application, I had no contact with the corporation. I was hired at one of their sites, which had a Site Supervisor and an Account Manager and staff. The protective service is still provided for that location I was at, but non of the people I worked with are still there, and it seems the phone numbers have changed.

    when I put this information on my application, I%26#039;m not sure what to put down other then the supervisor at that time, and the phone number, and when the application ask %26quot;may we contact your employer%26quot; I get stumped. I feel they should have this something so I give them the Corporate Number.

    so what do you do in situations like this, especially when it was a recent job. As well as companies that no longer exist because they merged with other companies, or just went under.|||Just put down the information you know and tell them it is okay to contact them. If they come back to you saying that they couldn%26#039;t get in touch with anyone, you can tell them there was a merger - share the name of the new company if you know it and a number for their corporate office if possible. They can verify, at the very least, that you did work there as those records should be available.

    I wouldn%26#039;t worry about it too much.|||not sure

    Is our teaching of evolution failing?

    Just looking at some of the questions and answers on this site brings this question to mind; people do not understand the theory of evolution. Just look at this;

    1) If an organism evolves into another organism, what does it breed with? Good question since there is such a variety in the number of chromosomes within different species.

    [Species evolve, not organisms.]

    2) If an organism evolves into another organism, why do the old organisms still exist? (why didn%26#039;t all monkeys evolve into men?)

    [Monkeys did not evolve into men]

    3) Scientists have been breeding fruit flies, lab rats, bacteria, etc. for many years -- subjecting them to all sorts of situations to try to force evolutionary changes. They can change some minor traits (coloration, etc.) -- but they still get fruit flies from fruit flies every few days. If evolution was actually happening, there should be some more direct evidence that it is occurring.

    [Evolution takes centuries. Evidence is the fossil record and genetics.]|||In working toward the eradication of science, the creationists try to corrupt the public%26#039;s understanding of what science is, how science works, and what science has learned. Their most conspicuous efforts are aimed at eroding the teaching of science in public schools. They promote curricula that misrepresent science, they demand that teachers present scientific constructs and biblical tales as equivalent alternatives, they try to prevent the teaching of any science that contravenes biblical lore, and they try to force the schools to disseminate Bible stories that have been cloaked in %26quot;scientific%26quot; disguises. They are especially vigorous in their attempts to undermine or stifle the teaching of scientific information about organic evolution and the history of life on Earth. (See, for example: %26quot;Alabama Will Use Schoolbooks to Spread Lies and Foster Creationism%26quot; in The Textbook Letter for November-December 1995; and %26quot;Combating Creationism in a Louisiana School System%26quot; in The Textbook Letter for July-August 1997.)

    In response to the creationists%26#039; continuing attacks on science education, the National Academy of Sciences has issued a 140-page booklet that seeks to provide %26quot;information and resources that teachers and administrators can use to inform themselves, their students, parents, and others about evolution and the role of science in human affairs.%26quot; Titled Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science, the booklet was released on 9 April.|||The teaching of evolution is failing, because the world works on a specific design that could only come from a higher intelligence...God, himself. Look deeper and you will find that Darwin, himself, said that his own theory could not be so, that it was seriously flawed, and he died a Christian. Fossil records show that some species evolved, but that is because of cross-pollination of the species and survival of the fittest (which is one theory that holds true today}.|||just regarding the 3rd point u made evoloution takes millions of years not before u get up here get facts straight beotch|||I suspect that it is both a failure to teach and a failure to learn. Teachers not teaching it well, and students not caring.

    It%26#039;s important to remember, however, that you cannot make blanket statements like that. In the united states, the education a person recieves is entirely dependent upon where he or she lives. Every town and county has its own way of doing things.

    I, for one, got a fantastic education in evolutionary biology.|||We aren%26#039;t teaching evolution properly because the religious fanatics would rally against the schools.|||No such thing as Evolution......So any teaching done about Evolution would be wrong.........God made things the way they were and have not change at all........but MAN may add this DNA to this or that but that is MAN made not God so changes are done By Man not Evolved into anything

    Oh and hey look I still have my Little Toe........has not Evolved into anything yet..........

    Happy Day|||Evolution exists. I evolve bacteria every day, so that the common American can get cheaper drugs, beat cancer, and not have to worry about infection by Anthrax. Put an organism into a cave without any light for about a century, and you%26#039;ll find a new species without eyes or any form of visual sensory systems. The school system sucks at teaching evolultion.|||Evolution failing? I think not. In fact, your last word of your last sentence in your question very may well be the correct answer.

    Genetics: something whiz-bang new we%26#039;re discovering new things each day at a dizzying wonderful geometric rate.

    But ah: genetic alteration, albeit a key to evolution, was done in a natural, muti-billions of year process. The scientific community would be wise to respect it%26#039;s efforts in genetic alteration of living organisms......and beings (ah-hemmm). Sure, a fast %26quot;add water and stir%26quot; approach to genetic alteration may yield interesting findings....but are we fully ready to accept it%26#039;s responsibilities?

    I%26#039;d like to think so and be open to it%26#039;s more positive acheivements.|||Chica, you are the one that is showing prime ignorance of the science of evolution. In particular, your comment about the fossil record and genetics and the centuries comment.

    Bluntly put, there is not a single scientific observation that supports evolution. Not a single intermediate form. Not even in millions of generations of microbes. Not even in a single gene. We have put this theory under intense scientific scrutiny and guess what. No evidence. That is the bottom line.

    Further, if you bothered to research the matter, you would find that point mutation does not get passed down to descendents in the long term. In the short term yes. But the line always returns to baseline afterward. The exception to this is eugenics. But eugenics has two interesting characteristics. The first and most important is that no matter how much the morphology of an organsim changes, it NEVER changes in such a way as to become something else. For example, we breed dogs. There are many types of dogs. However, NEVER does this ever create anything that is not 100% a dog. Further, the moment you stop the eugenics, the line drifts back to baseline. You get mutts.

    Evolution does not happen, chica. It%26#039;s obvious for anyone who actually applies the scientific method to the issue. Since this is an objective process, the results are definitive. Those who disagree, do so based on dogma, not science. They do this because they CAN%26#039;T disagree with the science. It%26#039;s not possible. The scientific method was created for exactly this purpose. To base conclusions on reality instead of dogma. Reality is observed, measured and proven. With the case of evolution, it shows it to be false.|||1269: You must be shaking your head in amazement at some of the comments that have been posted on this topic. Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, evolution is extremely well supported by the evidence. A species of moth that changed colour in response to the darkening of its natural environment during the industrial revolution in northern England is but one example from thousands. Good luck with the flat earthers. B