Thursday, September 15, 2011

A different take on the climate change bills and the global warming situation?

I am concerned about the environment. I do believe that natural climate change is occurring and our emissions are exacerbating the process. I think it is fair to say most people agree that humans have an effect on climate change and for those who don't, that climate does change all by itself.

However let us look beyond that mentality to other benefits, whether you are a diehard believer of human-based climate change or a complete sceptic:

- Reducing emissions will benefit us all by making us healthier by reducing air pollution

- Will allow us to reduce dependence on foreign oil and develop more sustainable energy sources

- An emissions trading system will encourage the growing of trees and regeneration of habitats (as plants will generate carbon credits for the owner to sell).

- Makes us more aware of other environmental problems that need fixing (such as the use of non-biodegradable plastics or specific pesticides), etc.

- Makes us all aware that human actions can influence the entire planet, so that we are less naive in the future when new industries or issues arise.

- Etc..

I mean it isn't all the narrow band of %26quot;emissions, the economy, CHINA!, climate change exists or not!%26quot;. There are other side benefits to this is there not?
A different take on the climate change bills and the global warming situation?
Good Point I am also worried about overpopulation of this planet which leads to more pollution. I think we should execute every 7th baby to keep population levels the same as to not affect pollution ratios or we loose the gains, sound good?

No didn't think so, even though we would all gain from pollution reduction.

Don't think the arguments are about not helping the planet, it is about the ways of doing so or the methods and paths of %26quot;why%26quot; and %26quot;how%26quot;.
A different take on the climate change bills and the global warming situation?
While I agree almost entirely with you, I feel that unless humankind gains control over the rate of population growth anything else we do is inadequate.
Yes, you're right that, even if climate change were not a real threat, this would be an excellent time to change our energy policy.

Also, isn't it a waste of time to argue about whether global warming is %26quot;man made%26quot;? Even if humans didn't cause the problem, we can still do something to avert disaster. Humans weren't to blame for polio, but that didn't prevent us from developing a vaccine.
I am all for rational and thought out reductions in emissions and waste products for reasons such as OUR physical health (breathing/asthma etc) and the lack of landfill space etc. Not to mention just trying to be as efficient as possible. However I do not support knee jerk reactions or those politically driven in a quest for power
Well I think all this man made global warming is a load of '*******',

It was invented by the New World Order cabal, so yes let's kill half the people of the world, (they are already trying to do that), thing is what do we do about Mars and the rest as they are warming up too, but we can't kill the people as there isn't any, Oops!

Also CO2 make all plants grow better, less CO2 can kill plants, think about it.

This planet is not over populated by any means, we only crowd into towns and city's, and the whole population of the world could stand in a country the size of Turkey.

So let us not believe our corrupt governments and their paid advisers,